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Rainbows At Lyell


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Be prepared for another long winded and boring Trout report folks!

A couple of close mates have been hassling me to take them fishing for ages and instead of hitting the Harbour I decided to take them Trouting up at Lake Lyell. As I have been dedicating most of my time to Trout fishing of late I reasoned our chances would be better than hitting the salt, seeing as I hadn't really been out in weeks after Bream or Flatties.

It was to be a slightly more relaxed affair than the usual non-stop walking and casting lures that I do. Some bait rods would accompany the Spin and Fly Gear. Bait is usually the best way to ease people into fishing anyway.

Well, I got lucky, in that I made the right choice! Within 5 minutes of putting out some Powerbait and setting up some Spin Gear we had the fisrt Rainbow in the net. Only a small fella but welcome all the same. But it didn't stop there, the next 10 minutes saw 2 more better class Rainbow's come in, 3 fish in 15 minutes! Not a bad start at all.

Throughout the day the Rainbows came on in waves. We would have a quiet hour then a short time of action. Powerbait, Rapala Vibrax's, Berkley Frenzy' and Owner Cultiva Mirashads all scored fish. Admittedly the fish weren't huge, the biggest only hitting 1.2kg but they were all hungry and willing to hit. The only major downside we encountered was the think 'snot weed' that coated the bottom. If a fish went deep we ended up with .5kg of weed on the line to contend with as well, totally taking the fight out of the Trout (which really dont fight that well to begin with!). You can see it one of the photo's, there was a fish in there somewhere with that weed!

At the end of the day we ended up with 10 fish landed, releasing half of them and the others had a date with the smoker. It was the sort of day that a beginner could only hope for and it really made my day just seeing the smiles as a fish smashed a bait or lure. Lyell has a reputation as a tough fishery but it really turned it on today.






Edited by Matt
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Looks like u had a great field day at lake lyell Matt. Hahah it must have been way better than the bream session on sunday. Glad that u managed to get urself into some fish and even got some new fishos too. SO where abouts in Lake Lyell do u fish?? It seems like a pretty big lake to work out. I have been meaning to make a trip up for trout soon. Havn;t had much luck in the salt of late. At least the trout looks better.



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Guest fishrunner

Some nice trout there matt, well done :thumbup:

It's always a very nice time indeed, specially as you managed to put a few newbie mates onto a few fish, :biggrinthumb:

Nice pics too, looks as though you picked a good day


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