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Hawksbury River - 17/05/14


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Hi All,

Took the boat out to hawksbury river on Saturday. I generally only take the boat out to Brisbane Water however lately the fishing has been slow so decided to try the Hawks.

Got there about 8AM and it was already packed at Peats Ferry Rd. Starting drifting around Porto Bay which produced a nice flattie & flounder. Didn't stay too long as the dolphins came around to play.

We moved up to flint and steel and did a drift up river. Managed to get a few tailer around the 40+ cm which I kept for bait.

Also managed to pick up a few more flathead & squid before the dolpins came around again.

All were caught using either salted pillies, mullet, squid & fresh tailer.

Weather was perfect, Heaps of boats on the water.

Side note, I hope they make some serious upgrades to the ramp at Peats Ferry Rd!



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