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Drummoyne Blackies at Underwater cable crossing.

Ron Howes

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Had an early start Sunday morning, arrived with about 2 hours of the run up to high tide, burlied heavily among the close rocks so weed would be washed out close to deep water by ferry wash where I was fishing.

The burly attracted a lot of chats around 15-20cm. Then as the tide got near the top the bigger harbour blackfish came in. I started ripping into them when a young 10 year old Lebanese kid Patrick asked me what I was catching. I spent the next hour mentoring him with my rod catching and savouring the art of playing big fish on light line. Then, there he was telling his dad that he has to buy him a blackfish rod and reel and floats for next time they come fishing. I sent Patrick and his dad Joe home with five stud fish that I bled, gutted and scaled for them. They left at around 10.00am as I think Patrick had a soccer game on.

Weed is starting to grow in creeks around Sandringham, enough for a handfull of quality baits.

I landed another blackfish after they left that measured 43cm, the gut must of weighed half a kg. I packed up around 11 am as the tide started running hard and the fish stopped biting.

I filleted this big blackfish and had it steamed in brine and lemon juice in an open pot for 10 minutes for dinner that night.. Their is nothing sweeter, the white flesh was so moist and tasty, enough for me and my wife that night.

I have some photos of the fish on my new Telstra phone, but have no software on my computer to download. I don't know if I can send these by email from my phone, any suggestions?


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Nice work howsy, always feels good teaching someone else how to catch :)

as for your phone you should be able to email the pics to yourself to get them onto your PC... it shouldve come with a cable to connect via usb though? most phones are plug and play these days


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