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kingfish close in at Moruya Heads


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I haven't done a lot of fishing this year. We've had lots of rain right thru March and strong winds the rest of the time. The last couple of trips have resulted in very little- not even a flathead. But we did pick up a few salmon off Moruya Heads. In addition there are a few leatherjackets around, always ready to snip you off.

So I wasn't very optimistic on Tuesday when I hit the water. My regular fishing partner was on grandfather duty so I was on my own. The day started like the previous few. Nothing at the snapper reefs then "snip"! Nothing at the kingfish spots. No flathead. And then, at one of the flathead spots I got a 35cm snapper. Then nothing. On to another spot, and then another. Then I picked up a small legal mowie and a small legal trevally. As I drifted off the reef something grabbed my bait - it was a nice 55cm flathead. Then 5 more all above 45cm. Success at last.

Things went quiet and it was time to go. But I decided to give the salmon just of the point at Moruya Heads a go. I had a 2m Halco Laser Pro lure on a fairly light rod I use for snapper and flathead. The el-cheapo reel was loaded with 20kg no-name braid from ebay. I was trolling in 6m to 10m of water above rocks and snags. Then - whack! Zzzzzzzz! It was a good salmon, possibly the biggest I have ever hooked so I backed the drag off. It gave me a real fight, but finally I got it close to the boat and ..... hang on ..... that's not a salmon! A few more runs and I had an exhausted kingfish of about 90cm (or maybe more) next to the boat. But I couldn't get it into the net on my own. And I forgot I had a gaff! So I tried to lift it in. That's when it went berserk! Snap! Goodbye kingfish. :ranting2:

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I think it was 20 kg braid - so about 40lb. But it was a bit worn! What surprised me was that the king didn't head for the bottom. It stayed up just like a salmon. I'm going to try again on Sunday but this time I'm going to anchor and burley. I'll pick up a few yakkas before I get there - there are heaps around at the moment. Might even get out again on Monday - the latest forecast doesn't look too bad.

Anyone out there have any experience burleying for kings?

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Well, all we've ever caught trolling there is salmon. And to be honest I think that kg for kg they fight as well as kings. And if you're sceptical about the length, all I can say is that I have landed a 90cm king in that net (with help) and I couldn't get this one in (on my own). And I'm still surprised that the fish didn't head for the bottom.

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I have to say that after the initial few runs I was wondering what I had hooked. And when I looked at the GPS afterwards, I realised that the fish had towed me about 70m (away from the rocks, fortunately). Maybe that's what tired it out. And, of course, I didn't get to measure it. But it was big. And when I tried to lift it, its reaction was fairly violent. Salmon do grow to about 90cm and 6kg, but not as heavy as a 90cm king (over 8kg).

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