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Mixing garlic into bait?


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Hi folks,

I was looking around on the web about recommendations for fishing for bream and came across a youtube video where a guy was mixing minced garlic into his prawns as bait. His reasoning was bream have a strong sense of smell/taste and it would attract them. Has anyone ever tried this and did it make a big difference? I'm out fishing tomorrow and currently sitting here with about half a kilo of banana prawns and I'm wondering whether to peel them now and chuck in a few cloves.

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I bought some garlic scent paste a few years back after watching a bream tournament DVD where it was used on plastics and seemed to do the trick. I've used it a couple of times but hard to tell if it made much difference, it makes my tackle box smell like stir fry though :) Much better than tuna oil!

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I made up a garlic and fish pheromone liquid dip.

Minced garlic works best, and you just have to dip the tails of your SPs in to create a nice scent trail when it swims through the water.

You can also mix garlic with fish oil, I usually mix it up with my berley.

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The bream seem to like the garlic/Parmesan chicken. I found it likes to coat and stink up everything in contact with it. But it seems to work and my Dad uses it near exclusively for bait now

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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I would avoid mixing it in with all your bait. I've played with garlic and aniseed. At the beginning I convinced myself it was an improvement.

The next outing I marinated all my bait in it and spent the day without a single bite whilst those around me pulled in plenty.

Like many fishing things. It may turn them on one day and off the next.

If you want to use it I'd suggest adding it at the water. That way if it's not working you can switch back to straight bait.

I've not used flavours in a couple of years ( except tuna oil in burley) and have found my fishing improve more with basic presentation.

Just my opinion.

... Steve

Edited by NaClH2OK9
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Thanks for the advice guys, I'll probably stick with Steve's suggestion and wait to add it at the water. That way I can gauge how effective it is in comparison to plain prawns. Fried off the heads too, so might try a few of those for a change if the other stuff doesn't come good.

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