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Advice for Walsh Bay?


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Heyup folks!

I was out all day land-based at Roseville today and had the usual mix of under-size fish (including my first leather jacket). Thought I'd mix it up a little bit by heading into the city and trying somewhere different either tomorrow or Sunday. I saw a few raiders mention Walsh Bay and figured it's not too far from the trains. Problem is, I have no idea what I should target or what to take with me. At Roseville I've been using prawns and SPs (yet to get something on the latter), but I thought I might try to catch kingfish or mackerel at Walsh Bay and was thinking of going early morning and taking some lures. Does anyone have any other recommendations? Heard squid mentioned in some previous posts, but I don't have any squid lures.

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My office just got moved to 10 minutes walk from Walsh bay - I took some lures and SPs in the other day to have a play during lunch but really didn't have time to dial anything in. Was going to ask regulars what sorts of methods might be effective there. I see plenty of Bream milling about but they didn't seem to take much interest, and trolling out into the depths didn't get any reaction.

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i fish walsh bay alot and really like it because its a spot where i always catch something. squid are very easy to catch there and i always end up with it least 2 every time and some days in a hour you can get 15 i really suggest having a squid jig if you going to go there. the best spot for bait fishing is straight down burly with pilchards you will catch heaps of yakkas and slimy mackeral but if you can get past them you can catch good bream, leather jackets, trevally and many many more but you must use no weight or a very light weight ive seen people catch every thing there from jewies 50cm snapper monster bream and big kingies have a rig for anything and see what is working for other people hope you catch some nice fish


good luck


cheers sydneyfisher12 

I fish there a lot to and that's basically what I was gonna say

Exept use the dropper technique for squid as it is deep, use small natural jigs (biggest I use is 2.2)

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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Hope you don't mind a mini report, but I was out there today fishing with prawns. Tried casting out a bit and letting the bait sink down naturally, but no joy. Added a little bit of weight and started to get little tugs every time the bait drifted in towards the wharf (they felt similar to the hits I got from a squid or cuttlefish over on the north shore one time). Yet whenever I brought the prawn piece back up it was intact, except on a couple of occasions. After an hour or so I felt a big tug and my reel screamed- I assume it was a fish- but when I lifted the rod to strike whatever it was came off the hook.

Guys next to me were hauling fish in- a Korean couple a few metres down from me landed a decent-looking bream and what looked like either a tailor or kingfish which must have been pushing 2 kg. Looked like they were using pilchards and just letting them sink down. The guy also had something big on the end of the line at one point, everyone else on the pier wound in so he could fight it. Earlier in the day an older couple next to me got a decent-looking trevally too.

I was a bit gutted as it was my first time fishing in Australia without landing something, but next time I'll be sure to pack some pilchards or a squid rig.

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