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Friday 30th Sydney Harbour Mixed Bag


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Fished the harbour from about 4am to 3pm for a mixed bag.

Started off by getting some yakkas at Rose Bay Wharf.

Went looking for squid at Camp Cove ... just one Calamari before the sun started to rise.

Fished the sticks with yakkas but no kings around.

Moved to the spit. No kings there for me either... lots of pinkies but nothing to keep.

Moved over to sow and pigs on the turn of the tide at found a few legal trevalies.

Moved back to the sticks and dropped a live bait over. Not much happening so I sent out some burley and dropped an unweighetd

squid bait in the burley trail. Still more Trevs.

Pretty soon my rod bent over double and it was obvious there was a rat king on the end but I couldn't stop him heading into the structure.

Couldn't get another rat no matter how hard I tried.

Thought about using the squid but decided I would eat it instead.

Picked up a decent bream which I kept.

Batteries ran flat on the iPilot so I was set adrift and accidentally picked up this blue swimmer on a yakka fillet.


Went home about 3PM, cleaned the boat and had a feed,

Used the calamari for salt and pepper squid

Baked the bream in foil for the missus

Cooked up the blue swimmer using a Matt Moran recipe I found on YouTube ...it was bloody delicious!


Bit blowy but a great day really.

I love fishing!

Edited by fragmeister
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