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Georges River Doughnuts!


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Sunday Afternoon a neighbor and myself spent a couple of hours walking upstream from Georges River National Park, Burrawang Beach. He has only just purchased his first ever fishing rod.

(A few tangles, a couple were recovered and a couple of times we had to cut out the knotted braid. It is very difficult to describe to a newbie the attention required to maintaining constant tension when retrieving line.

I might advise to swap to mono for a while to start out, or just help him persevere for a while… we shall see …

If anyone can think of some advice to pass on … it would be welcome. )

A pleasant walk, only a few small enquiries, did not have to bother about releasing because nothing was caught!

Once the sun moved on so did we.

On Monday I went to Mickey’s point to try for blackfish, fresh weed from off the rocks south of Jibbon Head collected on Saturday’s outing.

I did not even get a touch, not a hint of a down, think I will try Blackbutt next time I am out … but with the world cup starting next weekend it might be a while.

There was a bit of action on the other shore, I imagine a flathead having a feed of bait fish as they moved along the shore, none of the passing boat traffic noticed this.

Made it home before the heavens opened up, warm and well fed at home by that time!


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Hi Kram

I am by no means an expert, I was in your group on SP day learning.

I think take him somewhere snag free, and use a retrieve like a slow wind/roll to keep the tension.

You might even increase the jighead a bit to help feel weight.

Or get some blades, the action of the lure will transfer down the rod and he will feel like he's doing something.

More to that, they work, infact they are deadly. (One catch expert talking)

Use some scent like s factor to increase your chances.

Again go somewhere snag free, cast out let it sink take up the slack, and lift the rod fast enough to feel the vibration.

You don't need big lifts or rips for Bream and flathead are not particular.

Keep it slow lift , wind a little to stay in touch, wait, and lift again etc

The fish will probably pick it up on the wait, next lift works as the strike.

Like I said one fish expert here Haha

It worked for me first time out.

Good Luck


Edited by Ryder
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Hi Ryder.

That sounds like good advice! I remember my first foray into the world of braid, at that stage I almost exclusively used hard body diving lures from the shore line.

I am going to take your advice... blades or divers for 'grasshopper' next time!



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If you want somewhere productive to try flicking plastics - the beach at Bundenna is where I learnt.

I caught my PB flathead there on my 3rd cast. Then went on to catch another 6 - 7 undersize, smaller flathead. Just get a 1/4 jighead, 2" gulp shrimp or a Z-Man grub and walk along the beach slowly 3 or 4 casts then take a few steps to the right. working your way along the beach slowly.

I find the Georges land based with plastics to be pretty hit and miss. We will fish a spot for 6 - 8 hours with not a touch at all then all of a sudden, 50 - 60cm Jew or 30 - 40cm flathead will take the bait but not a touch on the plastics.

Edited by RichieR
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Saturday afternoon the tide was still running out but starting to slow, headed to Mickies point. Noticed some intermittent action just on the down stream side of the headland. first cast snagged lost jighead and plastic. Moved to suspending bibbed lure... manycasts later no looks. Changed to my lightest jig head and a small greenish minow. After about 30 more casts finally hooked up... good weight but after a short fight the line went slack... broken off near the hook, lat 10" of line all scratched up, rocky bottom. Start again... Re-rig. .. another 20 casts next strike sees a 50 cm Flathead landed. Then off home, a lucky afternoon in the sun! That flattie is probably still in the same spot, it had a large belly obviously well fed at that location.



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