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First Bream on Plastics


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I've been going out every weekend since the social trying to put plastics to the test, and yesterday I finally had some success!

Launched off at Gray's Point at around 1pm, right around low tide, and went towards lilli pilli.

Put on a z-man 2.5" grub in the motor-oil on a 1/16th head on some 4lb fluoro leader, and rubbed it all with some s-factor. Cast near the shore, jerked, LONG pause and then BANG.

Nothing huge by the standards I've seen here, but this is my first legal fish on plastics so I'm pretty happy.

Also accidentally caught this Trevally on a Sabiki rig with the tiniest bit of prawn on one of the hooks. Was a fun fight since that reel is half broken, but it came out at 31cm so it went on the table.

Good to finally pick-up some legal fish (though the rest of the day's catch was frustrating little pinkies), hopefully will go out again in this morning's high tide to try and pick up another few to feed the family tonight.



Edited by dnmn8r
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Awesome mate! Congrats on the first fish! That initial fish on SP is always special very well done, and quality fish as well :) nice feed there keep it up mate.


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Cheers guys, hopefully will have more success to report in the future.

Funny thing is I've always been told to fish for bream on a high tide, and the first time I get one was on a low.

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I have been told various theories. Last night I got one on the beach on high tide, my dad's mantra is no run no fun, and others I have heard are they like moving in on an incoming tide.

I think the best bet is to go when I am not, as they seem to be absent then :)

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I have been told various theories. Last night I got one on the beach on high tide, my dad's mantra is no run no fun, and others I have heard are they like moving in on an incoming tide.

I think the best bet is to go when I am not, as they seem to be absent then :)

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Sounds like me with Salmon. Whenever I fish landbased, I seem them 40-50 meters out of casting range. Whenever I fish off the boat, they're no where to be seen XD

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