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The one that got away


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Hi Raiders,

I hate to lose a fish as much as the next man and I can't count the number of good fish I have lost over the years.

In my earlier years I have to say that I mostly blame my poor attention to detail. There is nothing worse than losing a fish because you have not paid enough care to your terminal tackle. I lost way too many good fish before I learned the invaluable lesson to take extra care every time because the one time you don't you will lose a quality fish.

Today, I am very careful to use quality rods and reels, I use superior braid and fluro leaders. I use quality brand hooks, swivels etc to make sure I get away using the smallest ones possible and practical and I check and sharpen hooks regularly . I inspect the line periodically for damage and cut off the offending section and reattach the terminal tackle. I look for pieces of bait stuck to the line in case some picker has a nibble on it and damages the line. I have learned ( and still learn) better knots and rigs. I use scales to test the drag settings I put on my line and while I don't always set them at the time I do now have a feel for how much drag I am setting on a fish. I replace line reasonably frequently and I look after my tackle post and pre fishing trips.

However, I still lose fish and of course they are the bigger fish and, while it is part of what brings me back to fishing, it is nonetheless very frustrating.

I guess I may be stating the obvious, but losing fish is inevitable because not everything is in our control. If I look at my most recent lost fish I can see than many of these things I couldn't really have influenced many of these events.

Yesterday I was busted off on on 3kg gear by something that took an unweighted strip bait intended for a bream/trevally. It reefed me. I could have set the drag a bit higher and stopped the initial run but sometimes that can also pull hooks so sometimes being conservative gets more fish. I could have used heavier line but I catch more bream with unweighted baits on light lines.

Also yesterday, I have a dead squid taken by a freight train of a fish ( shark/ray I think) who was heading out through the heads regardless of what my plan was. I wound up the drag in a vain attempt to stop him and I pulled the hooks. The rig was meant for a jewie so I don't think the rig helped the hookup. Not so sure I could have ( or would have wanted) an hour fight with a big shark on 20K gear anyway.

I have lost count of the kings I have lost when I have hooked them on a unweighted squid bait intended for something else. I often get rat kings when they pop up in a burley trail and I drop a tiny piece of pilchard with a small almost bait sized hook hidden inside. There is no way they will take a bigger bait on heavier line but it is great fun trying to keep them out of the structure on a little 2 kg bait rod. At this stage I think its Kingies 19 and me 1!

There is certainly value in paying attention to detail. That will always catch you more fish but I have finally come to the conclusion that losing fish is an inevitable part of fishing and that if we never lost a quality fish the whole mystery and excitement of fishing just wouldn't be the same.

Having said that... I welcome other readers to add their own tips and tricks for keeping the "fish that get away" to a minimum



Edited by fragmeister
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Wise words and hard learnt lessons mate. Can definitely relate. After only starting to tackle real gear testing fish in the last year or so damn I've had some gut wrenching losses to failed knots and overtight/ undertight drags. I reckon one of the least practiced things is checking drag weights on the scales when the rod is under load. The results surprised me the first time I tried!

Lost a stonker of a flatty the other night to hooks pulling, using a blade with little trebles and didn't realise I should have backed off the drag :( forever learning.

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My issue has been right line fir tight fish. Fishing for salmon tailor or kings on 6lb line is asking for it but as you aluded to you can never pick your by catch.

I think it comes to experience which is why it is always the quiet older guy who seems to bag out whilst we struggle to catch any thing using the same method.

Its definitely what keeps me at it.

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One that sticks out in my mind was last summer, downrigging live squid amongst the moored boats in gymea bay in the Hacking. I got a massive hit and the rod buckled over so hard the tip was in the water (T-Curve Deep Sea Jig 200, 80 pound braid, 120 pound fluro, almost locked drag) by the time i got the rod in my hands the fish had already taken an unbelivable abount of line all i could do was hang on until the inevitable happened and it busted me off. Either one of The Hackings mythical Spaniards or Yellow Fin or a Hoodlum of unlandable size. Im pretty sure its the latter. I can only speculate but id say a fish between 30-40kgs.

To answer your question i dont think there is anything anyone could have done about that!

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Very well said

Today I was fishing sow and pigs fly fishing for bream/trevally and hooked something big

It took me strait in the reef

Couldn't stop it

Early that day we got a Samson fish but syd thinks it was a salmon

Anyway, what ever it was, it was a good fish

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My boat gets a bit of a wipe down after each trip but gets a full cleanout and gurney every nine months or so.

I recently learnt that in order to land good flathead consistently you need to put the landing net back in after cleaning the boat.

Its not always about attention to terminal tackle detail.


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My boat gets a bit of a wipe down after each trip but gets a full cleanout and gurney every nine months or so.

I recently learnt that in order to land good flathead consistently you need to put the landing net back in after cleaning the boat.

Its not always about attention to terminal tackle detail.


LOL. Forgetting to pack the net. Now who hasn't done that eh?

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