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Was walking around near my house it was council clean up and spotted this and claimed it. It's not the biggest boat but for free I'll take it

I want to customise it and put a little motor on it but my dad just has to fix some minor little cracks in the paddle holders it doesn't leak anywhere and it has wheels so I can move it easily

post-33466-0-76255700-1403520046_thumb.jpg post-33466-0-98551100-1403520080_thumb.jpg

Cheers sydnefisher12

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Get a little 10hp engine and that little boat will be the ducks guts.

Many years ago I was given a small fibreglass boat which I ended up selling to a desperate and dateless bloke who then caught a 107cm mulloway on his first trip out in it......the barstard...LOL

Moral of the story, don't get rid of it as easily as I got rid of mine.

Great find mate.

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Yes. But YOUR first boat mate!!!!

In 20 years you will look back at tiny beginnings and sigh in satisfaction at how your life has taken you through this to greater things.

It's your first boat budy.

Congrats. You can only go bigger and better from here. :)

... Steve

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Was walking around near my house it was council clean up and spotted this and claimed it. It's not the biggest boat but for free I'll take it

I want to customise it and put a little motor on it but my dad just has to fix some minor little cracks in the paddle holders it doesn't leak anywhere and it has wheels so I can move it easily

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Cheers sydnefisher12

Good job mate. I love fixing up old stuff and making it useable again. My boat is so old and used to be so crappy when I bought it, but over time I have 'fixed' it up and customised it to suit my fishing and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

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Sydneyfisher12, mate I had exactly the same sort of tender for years just down the road from my place chained around a tree in North Harbour. It was brilliant, could launch it myself and have some awesome memories of catching kings, salmon, flatties, squid.... I used to take it out at dawn by myself and be home in time when the girlfriend just woke up and have fresh fish for breakfast. I had a little 3hp Merc on the back and it got along nicely with two of us. At the end of the day it floats so crank it up and get there! Hope you create as many happy memories which I still hold of that little boat.

Tight lines buddy.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2

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Re-cycling at its best!! You will have some fun in that boat but please be sensible about where you take her. No fish is worth risking life or limb. Look forward to some photos as you customise her to suit your needs.

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Re-cycling at its best!! You will have some fun in that boat but please be sensible about where you take her. No fish is worth risking life or limb. Look forward to some photos as you customise her to suit your needs.

thanks mate trust me this will go now where near any dangerous weather the thing would sink in 5 seconds and leave me stuffed

ill also put up some pics of me customsing it

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