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Bloodworms vs Sandworms


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My grandad was a gun jew fisherman and my old man always swore by them. jewies love sand worms apparently especially off the beach as they will fossick around in the gutters for them. I guess it depends where you are though, match the hatch if they're are blood worms around the area then that's what I'd go

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yeah, they are actually pretty good on jewies off the beach

make sure you thread on heaps of worm even past the eye of the hook and through the line though using a 6/o hook works well,

although I find blood worms to be better for whiting and bream

it really comes down to personal preference and what works at the time

once you start using them you will find what works and what doesn't for that particular area


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I don't use bloodworms of the beach when sandworms are available, anything will take sandworms and definitely jewfish will. Maybe bloodworms are better if your specifically targeting Jews in which case maybe a slab or livie is the go if you want to avoid waiting bream etc. I've found sandworms better for all fish so I guess that extends to jewies (off the beach).

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