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Narrabean Beach morning session


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Hey all,

Due to being injured from rugby thought I might take time to head out for a fish this morning.

Woke at the cool hour of 5am and headed down to the beach.

Met a mate who was keen for a session down on the beaches and rigged up the rods.

Funny story for the first catch- Due to my mate not being the most proficient fisherman I rigged the rods set the baits in a nice gutter with wash either side and said "look after things here, Ill go buy our parking tickets" so I've wandered back up paid the tickets and headed back down.

Here's my mate going hammer and tong with a fish whilst I'm doing the dirty work.

After a cruisy fight on light gear, a nice 2kg or so Aussie Salmon comes on to the shore… got the monkey off the back for the morning.

At the change of tide, my rod went off and steadily reeled in a shark of some sorts onto the beach, got the hook out and sent him on his way.

As the tide flowed out, my rod bent back over again and after another steady fight another nice Aussie Salmon of similar size came to shore.

All in all the morning was a success and well worth the early start



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"Here's my mate going hammer and tong with a fish whilst I'm doing the dirty work."

Typical. HaHa.

It's like fishing with a few mates of mine who don't like getting their hands dirty.

Love salmon off the beach. Well Done.

How was the wind down there.

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Awesome morning mate well done. Haha love the non participating mates.

Would have been freezing this morning!

What bait were you using?



Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk

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Hey Gents,

Wasn't to cold actually by the time I got there, no wind to speak of and an awesome morning

Was using WA pillies on simple rigs, either cut or whole

Slightly heavier- was running line rig with a bomb sinker attached to a separate piece of line above a swivel, then 30cm of trace to a set of 3/0 gangs

Lighter- ball sinker, swivel, trace 30cm, to a 3/0 single hook


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Good to hear the salmon are around. Well done on getting a few. Thinking of heading there on Sat night. Which part of Narrabeen were you. Just generally, not after the specific street.

Cheers, Bart

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