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City fishing


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G'day all.

Having fished the George's and Hacking forever I though I'd try something completely different for a change and have a flick around the city foreshore over the weekend.

I never go into the city so it should be fun.

I've scoured the net in seArch of a few places and now have a rough idea of spots but just curious if anyone could point me in a good direction for some bream.

I'm thinking of throwing prawn imitations as well as vibes and blades and a few nippers maybe as backup.

Any info would be appreciated and my lips would be sealed.

Thanks in advance.

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Hey mate, good luck with the bream hunting. Just be warned about Walsh Bay- it gets REALLY busy there at weekends, good spot though and lovely views of the bridge. Seen people pull out decent bream down there. You could always try over at Milson's Point instead, it's a bit quieter. I've fished the small bay in the opposite direction to Luna Park a couple of times and there are quite a few fish in there.

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