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Sydney Harbour Soft Plastics


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Hi Raiders,

Back in the harbour a day earlier than my usual fishing trip.

School holidays dictated a much later start with my teenage son who has a little trouble getting up at 3am and fishing constantly for 10 hours ... Whats wrong with teenagers today?!!!

Anyway, we headed straight over to Sow & Pigs to see if the Tailor and Trevally were still there in numbers and they were.

This was the boy's first attempt using soft plastics so the old man gave him a few tips... but whats wrong with this picture?

Its a little hard to make out but I left the little piece of protective plastic tubing over the hook which covers the point and barb.... no wonder I had trouble hooking up! So much for the voice of experience!


Anyway, this was one of a bundle of trevally caught in an hours fishing on the reef. Most of them were caught with the lure "on the drop" after the initial cast. I just let the SP sink on a slack line and most times it is taken before I even start the retrieve. This strategy does not work so well for Tailor though as it seems to give them too much time to engulf the lure and the chances of being bitten off are increased.

Given that the point of the day was to enjoy some time on the harbour with the boy, the fishing ( for once) was secondary.

We anchored over at Clifton Gardens , kicked the footy and cooked up some sausages. It was a glorious 20 degrees and the water temperature was sitting on 18 degrees so we braved a swim.


Wouldn't be dead for quids!


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Sounds like a good day out. My 10 year old boys are all fired up to go fishing but that's because they think they can go target sharks from the beach. If I can hold their concentration I might get them to start on some flatties first while they have the enthusiasm

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I want to get up at 3:00am but my dad always wants to sleep to 5:00am it looked like a great day out on the water I hope I can get out there soon I love fishing with SP's it just makes you feel good when you catch the fish you go I did every thing I catch that fish no smelly fingers either

Cheers sydneyfisher12

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