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4/9, Sunday

Guest fishrunner

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Guest fishrunner

Well g'day all,

What can I say? :( , after yesterdays triumph thought about trying to duplicate it,- what a mistake that was :074: .

Brettoes and Jewell were keen after my hrly reports on saturday, so we met at roseville ramp at 6am and off we went. Headed out and went south hoping for a school of sambo's to no joy. Then met joe and mark off bondi(joe filled you in on that bit). no joy there either.

Now just after joe left a huge school busted up that had us enterained for hours,- ohh sorry mustv'e been dreaming as someone just pinched me :074:


Brettoes all rugged up, he's in there somewhere.


Nah we sat in the rain trying hard till we gave it in, then thought lets have a crack at a few bream in roseville out of the wind :biggrin2: . The upside of this was Brettoes 1st bream on plastics,- definite positive. :thumbup: . Well done Brett.


Jewell also managed 3 nice bream as well, Whilst yours truly just had bumps but no hookups :( . :biggrinthumb:

Also ran into DaveL on his way upriver, hope he did well, and that the maroon hyundai with the lights left on and empty canoe racks wasn't his.

Well thats about it.


PS shouldv'e been there yesterday guys :074:

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