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Taking the misses fishing!


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Hey raiders, i have to decided to take my beautiful girl fishing tomorrow, she really has no idea but does enjoys it so it makes me mad and happy at the same time.

Anyway im just trying to think of a spot i can take her where she will be a chance of catching something, i was thinking maybe up round the entrance or brisbane waters or maybe berowa, we will be land based and im not very experienced in theres areas land based so im hoping some one can help me out with a good locations, bait and gear i should be right with.

wish me luck :chair::wife:

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Hey mate,

Any light spinning gear will do the trick for your bread and butter fish, go light with line (4-6 lb) and lightest sinker possible. If your a beginner start off with some Big W gear it's cheap and does the job for the first few times when you'll be dropping your rods in the water etc. Also highly recommend speaking to any tackle shops in the region, entrance harder i itself has one. They provide the best local knowledge especially if your buying their product. Although their stories may be a little "tall" if you know what I mean ;)

Best bait is always live bait, yankees, worms or live prawns especially will be great And you should get heaps of hits. Coincide it with a few hours prior and post dawn/dusk and high/low tide. The entrance of lake entrance Is apparently great in summer so maybe give their a go. The little wharves have plenty of little mullet (use bread and tiny hooks). The main wharf at Saratgo in Brisbane waters has some great little bream, pike, mullet etc. (but no live bait around there so buy prior). And if your really adventurous Avoca has great salmon (beach fishing which you'll need a much longer rod and use Pillies on Ganged hooks!

All the best tomorrow and have fun! Regards, Yusuf

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Thanks mate, i am a pretty keen fisher and have most of the gear so lets hope she doesnt drop a rod in the water otherwise she will be going in with it hahaha. the locations sound good ill have a look at them this arvo and hopefully work something out.

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