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Sydney Harbour luderick

luderick -angler

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Met the boys at my palce at 4am for the usual coffee and feed and the discussion! Where to go> Given the sporadic catches of late we decided to head to a lower harbour spot in the Eastern Suburbs, by 9am we had two fish one dropped and the downs could be counted on both hands! Poor was the estimation so we upped spot and went a searching had a look at few harbor rock outcrops for no luck around Nielsen Park. It was getting dire I was on the dreaded donut! So we decided do or die go west so west of the bridge it was well not to far west of the bridge we found a protected whaf in Balmain and for two short hours we had hot the bite we ended up with 23 in the bag and released five it was tough going and a long day to fond the fish but the yare there! Incidently speaking to two guys who skin dive said the fih are stating to mass on the ledge known s the Mattens down to Rosa Gully so looks like there are fish waiting to run! Oh and it was a bloody cold start to today but as usual Sydney turned on a cracker of a day by lunch time!


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Good going LA. They are heading upstream for sure. Going to give my outside spot a miss this week and try the usual still water one. A few locals have reported lots of fish around the wharf pylons, nearby, so with any luck I might get a few. Bombed out on Friday, but didn't get a donut. Landed one fish around 40cms. Released to fight another day.

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Hi Luderick

Wow great catch

I was fishing with Howsy at your eastern suburbs spot and I think that we got chatting. Sorry didn't know it was you.

Was it you that you showed Howsy some of the floats your dad made. He kept talking about them after you left about the floats wishing he could get one of those for himself.

We persisted in the lower harbour spot and got 3 but it was quiet as you say.

Would love to know the spot in Balmain as I live not too far from there. I have tried the Ferry Wharf and the rocks next to it but very sporadic.

Well done


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Luderick fisherman,

Thanks for sharing the design of your floats with me, as Poohbear said I was impressed.

An excellent result with the blackfish you can certainly sniffed them out. Trying different spots

with some local knowledge that suit certain tides and wind conditions certainly payed dividends.

I left an hour after you and was going to fish Lambeth Park on the run out, however the wind

got up and I decided to give it a miss.

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The harbour is not as easy as it used to be land based a lot of spots now gone or no fishing areas we ended up at Dawn Fraser baths near the pontoon. I grew up fishing the harbour and to this day still find new spots it's a matter of fishing them for a few months and getting a pattern usually takes 3 or 4 trips to see if it is a spot that will hold fish.

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Hey Royce,

Nice work, glad you got amongst them. There must be hundreds of spots that have never been fished that hold plenty of blackfish, the harbour has so much structure that is perfect for them, the overall biomass of them must be huge.


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Good work on the blackies, I am currently in Yamba chasing them but they are non existent up here this year. Been here a week for a donut, nobody is catching any and the old timer locals are telling me its the worst season in the 40 years they have been fishing the area.

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