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hi to all i headed out friday nite to the hawkesbury to meet up with a mate who was already their. after fishing all friday nite and crabbing at the same time with very little shut eye thru the nite by the time sun come up my mate and i were ready for the run out tide to begin.Before we were ready to fish my mate had boiled up a coffee for me so i motored over to him and we tied up along side each other for a coffee. While we were having our coffee we noticed a boat coming at us at a fast pace (by this stage my friend and i were ready for a sinker attack just kidding ) then with a little over 100mtrs off my bow he decides to back the boat off.As im gazing at him with burning eyes he approachs me and declares him self as fisheries officer and asks my mate and me if we had lost an anchor because we were tied together i explained to him we were havin a coffee as our boats are SMASHING THEM SELVES TOGETHER FROM HIS WASH and then he tells me he wants to tie up to my other side TO CHECK MY ESKY ....AND SMASH UP THE OTHER SIDE OF MY BOAT ......I EXPLAINED TO HIM very politely HA.HA.HA. that they way he approached us was a joke and he should have more cosideration as to his methods he uses to do such the river was at its most calmest part of the day 6am it was like a lake no one around yet when he approachED me the waves were heavy heavy i complied and showed him some crabs i had all were quiet good size and he checked my licence from A DISTANCE THERE WAS NO WAY HE WAS TYING UP TO ME ...AND THEN TO TOP IT ALL OFF AFTER HAVIN WORDS TO HIM ABOUT HIS APPROACH YOU SHOULD OF SEEN HIS TAKE OFF IT WAS THE SAME AS HIS APPROACH NO BRAINS AT ALL NEXT TIME I WONT BE SO NICE TO HIM I VALUE MY BOAT VERY VERY VERY MUCH AND LOOK AFTER IT.. TO THAT FISHERIES BLOKE YOU ARE A D*** WITH NO BRAINS MAYBE YOU SHOULD NOT DRIVE BOATS AND MAYBE A ......UM.....UM.DRIVE :ranting2: ....A DESK....BY THE WAY THE CREEPER MIGHT BE MISSIN PAINT BUT SHES STILL CATCHN FISH...HA HA

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Guest bluecod


I had a similar experience when breaming up on the flats late one night in the Cowan - the toad came racing up and then turned on all his spotlights lighting up the whole bay - he wanted to come aboard my boat too but was denied permission. That really pissed him off as we were both on some committees together.

You'll find d***heads anywhere - you hear about the MSB bloke who booked a windsurfer for speeding in Brooklyn Gutter, he was laughed out of town and never showed his face again either in the pub or at the Workers.

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Should have asked him if he wanted a badge, or a chest to pin it on Moonlite. :biggrin2:

I don't have a boat so I've never experienced that sort of behaviour, but I've seen it plenty of times from certain members of the boys in blue. Too much authority mixed with too little brains is a recipe for trouble.



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Guest bluecod
Please limit the profanities guys!


Sorry Joe, I thought I was :074::074: Usually use asterisks myself but must have forgot this time - All good :thumbup::thumbup:

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Would it be a good idea to get the rego number of the boat and ask the inspector for his ID. This is not an unrealistic request and I am sure that the inspector should comply as he/she is after all a public servant. Be sure to keep a balance as we all know most of the boy's and girls that look after the waterways are friendly respectful and curtious. So be positive and report the great work they do to.

I would however take the time to report the matter to the local branch if they dont know they cant act. Might be worth bringing it to their attention, :thumbup:


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Same thing happened to me on Saturday, except i was on the move as well.

We were trolling out on F & S with a lines way out and and set, making a steady pace just short of the reef when this lunatic came at me from side on looking to t bone me. I was ready to explode, in fact I stating waving him away.

Basically he cut me off and stopped me, couldnt give a rats about our trolling lines, checked our licence and racked off again.

Very very poor form. I dont mind showing my licence but stopping me in mid troll was ridiculous not to mention the method that was used. The boat was barely identifiable as a fishereies boat.


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And they are never around when they should be. went out on the hawkesbury for a Jewie bash on Friday night for 1 eel.it was a very dark night with no moon and on the way back i was 10m away from running up the back of some idiot who had no lights on what so ever, scared the crap out of me. if hadn't seen them i would have ended up on their bow, boat and all. And they weren't the only boat out there with no lights on. some people have no idea. :ranting2::ranting2:

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as far as complaining to the local office they only cover for each other as for contacting the local office thats a joke hardly anyone their to answer phone ...message service ...not only this even if i did complain it wont put the paint back on my boat nor would it get far if i did report it it my word against his i know whos word they would take ......believe me ...ONE THING I DID NOTICE THEY ARE NOT OUT AT NIGHT VERY MUCH IS THIS A COST CUTTING PROCESS CAUSE A LOT OF FISH ARE CAUGHT AT NIGHT THEIR OR IS IT THEY CANT HANDLE THE COLD...THE MIND BECKONS..................

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All we need is this kamikaze showing up at bite time and scaring those 30kg jews away :074::ranting2: . Fisheries want respect from us........but they won't earn it with knobs like this in their workforce.


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Guest bluecod

Fisheries Inspectors must observe the same boating regulations and rules that you guys do, however the fact they are master of a work boat means they also have to hold a higher class of license than a recreational boater holds.

There is absolutely no excuse for behaviour of Fisheries Officers that has been reported here.

Despite what I and others have said in this post - Fisheries Officers DO have power to board your boat


Power to board and search boats

248 Power to board and search boats

(1) A fisheries officer may:

(a) stop and detain a boat, and

(B) board and search the boat for fish, fishing gear or any record relating to the fishing activities of the boat, and

© break open and search any hold or container on the boat that the officer has reason to believe contains fish, fishing gear or any such record.

(2) A fisheries officer may require the master of a boat to assist the fisheries officer to board the boat.

(3) A fisheries officer may require the master of a boat connected with a fisheries offence to take the boat to a specified place in New South Wales or at sea and to remain in control of the boat at that place until a fisheries officer allows the boat to leave the place.

(4) A person who, without reasonable excuse, fails to comply with a requirement of a fisheries officer made under this section is guilty of an offence.

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we noticed a boat coming at us at a fast pace (by this stage my friend and i  were ready for a sinker attack just kidding ) then with a little over 100mtrs off my bow he decides to back the boat off


He backed off over 100 metres out. I wish there were more people who would back off the power that far out.

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On the topic of fisheries, I was fishing off Clifton Gardens wharf on Fathers Day (around 0730hrs). It was cold, wet and windy. The only other people there was a father and son duo wetting a couple of prawns. We had a couple of lines out wide when the fisheries boat came straight into the area and across some lines. Responding that the only thing we were catching were colds, they decided to moor up and check licenses.

Now I'm all for people having to get licenses to fish, but to see my tax money and license money go towards two fisheries employees checking some innocent weekend anglers (especially considering the unlikelyhood of us bagging out on anything other than yakkas (even they weren't biting)) a complete waste of resources, counter-productive to fisheries-rec angler relations and quite frankly, offensive.

I went home shortly after ... wet, cold, fishless and angry. :ranting2:

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that is disgusting behavoir i freguent hawesbuury a lot i fi see a fisheries doing that ill tell em to f :ranting2: off they can take my rego & ill deal with it later .

i have been pulled up a few times on most dams in the middle of a comp & they have allwasy been good approching slow & asking for lisence which i didnt have with me he took my name joe_blogs :074: told me to see him in the afternoon or recive a 200 bux fine hahahahahaha but seroiuls we need these guys out there if they act like fools tret them like fools :biggrin2: i am sure plenty of raiders will support u

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Was chasing a few Ep's the other night and usually have never really seen anything other cars down there and what do i see a bloody fisheries ute turn up..I did not have a license but was able to sweet talk my way out of it as it was two very nice females :1naughty: i used every bit of charm i had left in me to get out of that one i tell ya..told them i would buy one on the way home (which i did) and they said they where gonna come back an check..i hope they come quite often as they where decent sorts..:074:

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Really pisses me off that because they didnt have anything to do they had to waste 20 mins of our time..


Not exactly right Gabzi. They did have something to do...and they were doing it mate!

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My bitch about fisheries is we do not see them enough to be assured they are doing their job. Most people I believe, feel that the probability of being checked on, are extremely low.

I have a theory that the TV show called Coastwatch, which is reality viewing on NZ Ministry of Fisheries, shows what a top job they are doing in NZ. It puts NSW Fisheries to shame.

Hopefully it’s coming as a wake up call for NSW Fisheries to have a much higher profile and sustainable education programme for the public. A few extra inspectors at the boat ramps would not go astray either.


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maybe i need to get out there more ive only ever been aproached by them twice both times they had half my last beer, slept with my dog and stole one of my thongs, then left me to drive home with one thong and halfa beer...

still miss that thong...



I think you have mistaken a fisheries officer for Clutch. :1prop:

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