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Clifton Gardens - Trevally


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Quick report here guys

Went to Clifton today as my family likes the beach there. I don't mind it but the fishing can be ordinary sometimes and the people who fish there aren't always nice

Got there at 11am armed with a bag of servo pillies and two light combos

There was a one guy already fishing there and another leaving

Anyway the guy next to me hooked a good black fish around 40cm on bread but busted him off while trying to lift it up

I got into some Trevally mostly around 25cm but still fun on light gear I got about 5 of them and then I got a nice 32cm one which I released.

I also got about 5 sweep around 25cm too.

The fishing wasn't too bad and every body on the wharf was nice and friendly and didn't have 20 rods going every where.

I packed up and left at 2pm

Cheers sydneyfisher12

One of the smaller ones


Edited by Sydneyfisher12
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