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Dobroyd Head - 11/10/14


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With the afternoon free I decided I wanted to try a spot where I could have a chance at a kingfish (remote as it is), so I picked the rocks around Dobroyd head seeing as it was going to be low tide and I knew I could get around there. I set off with some fresh squid and pilchards from the fish shop and got to the car park around 2:30.

Last time I went there I started at 40 baskets and worked my way around. This time I thought I would get closer and go via reef beach. However I seriously underestimated the hike down from the top of the headland to the beach (1.5Km according to google). Not that difficult but with a bit of gear it was a fair decent, and I knew the climb back was going to be a challenge - I just hoped the effort would be rewarded.

Got down to the rocks and made my way about half way round the headland where I found a good spot into deeper water. After some poking around I also found somewhere I could jam in a rod holder into the rocks as the plan was to put a full squid out under a float with my heavier gear, and fish near the rocks with my light rod with pilchard cubes. I had a burley bucket going near the rocks too hoping that would bring in some action.

The lighter rod was getting hit constantly - but mostly pickers. After about 45 minutes I got my very first silver trevally - a tiny one but still a first. Sent him back and whatever I put out (pilchard cubes, squid strips) just got hammered at, but very few hook ups. I also kept loosing gear to kelp snags which got a bit frustrating. I am not sure but I think some of what was hitting my light gear were leatherjackets - very thick school but they looked a brown colour rather than silver. They were pretty thick whatever they were but I just could not get a take, just picks.

The whole afternoon north head was busting up - I could only watch from afar as flocks of birds went nuts over there in several big groups. I am guessing salmon chasing bait fish up but it went on for ages, two big lots for about an hour. Between that and the hiking I really am thinking hard about a boat but that might have to wait on a possible job move soon.

About 6pm my heavy rod finally sprung to life, which took me by surprise. The line took off and it went for a short run, but but the time I got a hold of the rod and tried to set the drag whatever hit it was gone. The bait was destroyed, most of the large squid was gone and clearly bitten through, but it either just missed the bottom hook or it came out. I would like to think it was a king, but really no idea what it was. My last squid was set out as the light started to fade but nothing touched it.

Knowing I had about a 30 minute hike back I packed up about 6:30 to make sure I had enough light to navigate the rocks back. A decent climb back but at least I got some exercise.

The days lesson - make more pre-made rigs and look at some broader hook options.

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