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Sydney Today


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Gday all, actually been a bit lazy lately we fished all the long weekend couldnt be bothered writing a report, fished all this weekend and.just getting to it now lol.

Today was an awesome one. Noticed the flags on the Anzac Bridge were up already to the ne at 400am, began to wonder if we were doing the right thing. We agreed the wind wouldnt get up till the late arvo and the harbour was almost glass maybe 5kn.

A few boats around and amazing how popular the artificial reef is funny sight to see people hovering around one spot. I cant fathom why people fish in each others pocket? Anyway off we go, pain in the arse short ne swll about .5 to 1m. Water temps playing games again ranged from 18.3- 20.3, but water a little green, compared to last week nice blue plenty of phosphorus and vis to 10m. Must be an underlying cold current as sinker being coming up very cold probably the coldest all year.

Normally means a shutdown on the bottom but that hasnt happened, in fact quite the opposite. We have fished this ground for the last few weeks and are finding more areas to it. It has continued to produce relentless fishing. No fish is under 50 and its strange throwing fish back over this size. We have bagged out each time we have gone. Between four of us over 100 fish ranging mowies, snapper and pigfish, plus a mix odd sweep, pike and blurters. Keep 5 each rest go back.

The only reason we can think of so many fish holding up is its fantastic reef in chain and on the chew is that a southerly has been due a day later. Personally never seen so many pigfish in one area. Thats enough dribble, coupla photos.post-13466-0-90733600-1413110972_thumb.jpgpost-13466-0-26019600-1413110900_thumb.jpg

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