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My ozzie "angling adventures" - Report 7


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<p>I had promised myself one charter trip out from Port Douglas and was torn between a "big game" trip or a reef fishing trip.  I decided on the reef fishing as I thought at least i should not blank at that <img class="bbc_emoticon" src="http://www.fishraider.com.au/Invision/public/style_emoticons/default/sun.gif"title=":sun:" /></p>

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<p>I turned up at the marina at 07.15,found the boat and hopped on board.  </p>

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<p>There were another 5 anglers on board,two aussies - the lady was called Lisa and 3 Canadians.   First up it was off with the trainers/sandals and they were boxed up - a new one on me barefoot angling!    I was then informed it was to be handline fishing,another first.   The skipper said that when using conventional rod and reel the larger fish will just make an unstoppable dive into the coral and that with a handline it is far easier to stop this.   Also that you can bring up the fish much more quickly which is fairly important with all the sharks present.   I felt a bit apprehensive about using a handline but had to go with the flow.   I had brought my little spinning rod with me and the deckie said that I would get the chance to use it.   I felt happier at that.</p>

<p>It had to be the fastest boat I had ever been on and in no time at all we were out on the reef.   I told the skipper I was doing catch and release to which he replied we would just be keeping legal size coral trout,everything else was to go back - nice one.   The deckie had set us all up with handlines and showed us how to hook on the sardine bait.   We were fishing in 22m of water and we were instructed to hold our baits just off the bottom.</p>

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<p>One of the Canadian lads was first in with a trevally - note the handlines on the deck</p>

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<p>Within a few minutes the deckie handed me my rod off the top of the cabin and said - "there you go John,Queenfish on the top,just freeline a sardine to them,and lighten off the drag cos they go mental" referee - if I must!    After a few tentative refusals a queenie took the bait and it went beserk as the deckie had predicted.   After quite a while the deckie handed the fish in,a quick cuddle for the camera and back she went</p>

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<p>Loads of fish went unrecorded due to the fact that the deckie was constantly hosing down the boat and as  the camera was not waterproof,it stayed inside the cabin,just took a shot when the oppertunity arose.   It was mayhem with good fish on all the time basically.   The skipper and deckie were releasing fish in the water,just a quick stop to pierce their swim bladder with a needle - nice one lads.</p>

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<p>Cast another bait on the top and I got into this painted sweetlips - another good scrap on my light spinning gear</p>

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<p>The skipper got upset at this stage to find that when he was defrosting the sardines they were all very "mushy" so basically we had no bait,just at this point a GT took my bait off the surface.The skipper said,this one is for bait,he had to wait about 20 mins for it though as it circled the boat a few times.It was gaffed and cut up for bait.</p>

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<p>The surface fish vanished and I went back onto the handline fishing the bottom again.  And here was my first coral trout.   Like I said all the legal size coral trout were kept</p>

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<p>Here is trout that Lisa caught</p>

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<p>Here is a shot of Chris,our hungover Canadian friend - notice the rubber fingerstool on his finger,its what stops the line cutting you when handlining</p>

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<p>I cannot honestly report on everyones catch throughout the day but to say that basically at all times there were fish on.   The skipper did move about 6/7 times during the trip.coral trout were at the top of his shopping list!</p>

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<p>The skipper was ok with me fishing on the surface and got another GT on my light gear.  This one went back.</p>

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<p>To be continued</p>

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Edited by snatcher
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The skipper could not resist having a go himself and caught this Chinaman fish :sun:


Here are a few more different species that I caught.



What a great trip it had been and I had a couple of coral trout to take back to cook at our apartment. Very tasty they were too :sun:

We are heading off to our caravan in Scotland in a couple of days time and will be away for about 3 weeks. As our Internet connection there is not the best may not be able to post any more reports up until we come back. Hope you are enjoying them so far. There are a lot more to follow :sun:


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