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I can see trout but can't catch them....


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Hey all,

Probably the wrong place for this post....

Need some help in regards to catching trout..

I've never had a problem catching them in a river whether it be browns or rainbows,

But I've spent the last month trying to catch them from wentworth falls lake, I know it sounds funny, and everyone who walks past tells me there are no fish in here, I've managed to catch one 55cm brown on my very first cast and a 50cm rainbow but the rainbow I chased the entire length of the lake, I've tried petal tale and wrigley tales, berkley gulps 3" minows in a variety, PowerBait soft plastics, tassie devils, spinners and still nothing. I can see the fish surfacing 10ft in front of me.... Any ideas.

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If they are rising it may be to a specific hatch they may be feeding on midge could be mayflies when they tune in to a specific food they can be very frustrating! In the situation you describe I would be fly fishing throwing a stimulator pattern with an unweighted Sawyers pheasant tail to where the fish are actively rising!

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