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Friday run


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Hey guys,

Finally got the boat together (mostly) took it for a 2 hr run last week with its new 90hp Honda (smooth), now I need to fish.

Thinking of putting in at water st port hacking about 11am then trying a few spots any ideas where they might be running?

Possibly take it outside if the day is good down the coast a little. Once again any ideas for spot to catch a few flatty.

Hope it all goes well.



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what a smashing day on he water. we didn't do too well on the fishing stakes but didn't expect too much. started out at the heads and drifted all the way to bundeena wharf with a couple of bites and mutton birds hanging around diving deep and stealing out baits. we then headed in a bit and fished black water bay for baby snapper every cast. soon got sick of that and headed down sth west arm and got more baby snapper. we then fished the chanel near lilli pilli for a few tiny flathead. back out to bass and flinders point on dusk for not even a bite. no take home catch but a fun day on the water. boat went really well for its second time out.


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