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The Bream Are On


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G`day Fellas ,

The young fella lobbed with a big feed of bream yesterday , and they were big buggers.

He spent the late arvo on the Manning river with a mate , and absolutely donged em.

Ahhh , whole sliced fish in Black bean sauce.......yummmy.


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Ahhh , whole sliced fish in Black bean sauce.......yummmy.



Mick if you're into bream this is a taste sensation

Steam the bream for 20 to 30 minutes [depending on size] and place in a shallow ovenproof dish.

break the skin on the topside in about four places and pour about 1/2 cup of light soy [for fish] over it

place finely chopped garlic, ginger and shallots over the fish.

heat about 1/2 cup good quality veg oil in saucepan until it is smoking then pour over the vegetables on the fish. the hot oil sears the flavours of the ginger, garlic and shallots into the fish and the soy provides a sweetness to it.

Enjoy :thumbup:

Edited by bluecod
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Sounds yummy George. Do you bake it in the ovenproof tray with the sause, or is the tray jsut to keep it all together? :wacko:


No Joe, after it is steamed it should be cooked through - the ovenproof dish is used so the hot oil doesn't crack a glass or china plate.

Blackfish and snapper also come up a treat cooked this way. Come to think of it I've had Coral Trout and Barramundi also done this way and they are superb :thumbup:

Edited by bluecod
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G`day Fellas ,

I will certainly give that a try Blue , it sounds verry Yummy as well.

You know , when you come to think of it , if you can cook blackfish like that , I might accept the offerings of another FB who ( When He can get Weed ) is always asking if I want a feed of Blackies , but most times he asks , I still have jewie cutlets in the fridge , so I knock em back.

But I`ll definately be interested to Give them ago next time , thanks for the tip mate.

I gather you would trim off the belly flap section for Blackies ?.


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