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Frustrating Ol' Day


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Hey Raiders,

Just an advanced warning, today for me was a donut, so those looking for exciting fish-catching stories should try elsewhere. ;)

Took my new combo out for a whiz today down Double Bay. Thought after all the joy I've been having there on my old rod it'd be a matter of minutes til I got my first fish, right?

Wrong, very wrong. Got there early morning for the run in and tried for my first bream on plastics with a gulp crabby on the lightest jighead I had. First cast and I got a few little takes, but couldn't strike a fish. Pulled in the crabby and half the legs had been nibbled off. Second cast, the same thing happens and the lure emerges from the water completely 'armless. The wind began to pick up so I decided the bream could wait til another day and switched to wrigglers on 1/16th, but just could not seem to get a decent take off the wharf.

By mid-morning the wind had really started to blow, so I switched to the sea wall next to the wharf with 1/8th jigheads. Nice flat sandy bottom with a few weed crops, so i figured there'd be a flattie or two kicking around. After a few casts I got a good solid take on the bottom and had a pretty one-sided battle with what felt like a nice-sized fish. Problem was, just like a couple of weeks ago I didn't have a net, so decided to try and beach the thing on the stairs in the gap in the wall. Whatever the fish was, it had other ideas and took off along the side of the wall once it was in close. I was too late in tightening the drag and the fish spat the hook. Thought it was maybe a big flattie, but didn't really see any colour and thought it was a bit unusual that it spat the lure.

Felt a bit annoyed after that, so packed up and hopped on the ferry back to Circular Quay. Decided to catch the light rail to the canal not too far from my flat and give the bream fishing another go. By this time the tide was pretty much out, but the wind was up, so again it was on with the crabbie and a 16th jighead. I got LOADS of takes, but only 2 hook-ups (one was definitely a small bream- I saw it scoot around all over the place) and both times the fish spat the hook. I even got a little flattie down by one of the bridges that decided to spit out the lure right as I was lifting him onto the bank. After 2 hours or so, and with an epic sunburn any Brit in Australia would be proud of, I called it a day and went home.

Don't know what I was doing wrong today, not striking hard enough maybe? I was trying not to give the plastics the big whips I was giving them with the old rod and instead giving little firm hops like I've seen in all the videos. Guess I just need to work on setting the hook a bit more.

On the plus side, casting is so much easier and fun on the new combo. With the old rod and reel I had to really give it some welly to get any distance, even on a 1/8th jighead or heavier. With the new rod I can easily flick a 1/32 about 20 yards no problem and the 1/8s just sailed out even though at one stage there was a strong headwind. I started to get a bit fancy down the canal too, giving it underarm and sidearm casts, trying to stop the lure within a yard of the opposite bank using the finger above the reel.

All in all, not the most productive day fish-wise, but a good skills-honing session. Just makes me want to spend the whole day tomorrow doing the exact same thing!

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Sounds like good progress to me mate! Glad the new combo keeps it fun!

With the crabby and gulp in general I find you'll get nibbles like you would on bait but they sometimes don't do a proper "take", just keep at it! Those crabby can be a bit annoying with losing the fragile arms

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Adam not many people catch public transport to go fishing and then still try different location around the harbour once that NE got up to strength.

Well done on persistence.

You say a frustrating day.......well that's how I saw it as well.

Hooked into 3 x small kings 55cm , 53cm and 55cm. All on the troll just south of Botany Heads and after a good fight all thrown back for growing bigger. However another boat within a short distance was just keeping every fish they landed. Not giving a dam. Happen to bump into the older man off the same boat bay at the ramp.

He's standing at the cleaning table cleaning undersized kings and while he's being asked by another fisho why didn't you throw this king back he reply was "he didn't %#$*&^ and it was at that point the frustration set in and we other fishos will be looked upon in the same light as this dick........

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Everyone has those fishless days where nothing works out.

Especially with new gear you want to Christen..just keep at it, it has to happen.

I don't know if it has something to do with pride or ego, but I bought a Brag Mat in July

and didnt get to use it for 6 weeks. By then it was just part of my kit. Not special, just normal.

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