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A daft UK fishing tale from a daft pommie


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A few of you like my UK reports so here is a true belter from 2007 :sun:

"Before I put pen to paper on this one I know there will be doubters amongst you

All I can say it is a true account of what happened this afternoon.

Decided to have an hour or so at the end of the Mull to get some mackerel for a barbie back at the caravan. Climbed down to one of my favourite marks and tied on a toby spinner and chucked out. On my 4/5 cast got my first mackerel and popped it into a small rock pool beside me.

Cast out again, I was keeping the lure as low down in the water as possible because I also had pollack at the back of my mind Next thing the rod was nearly pulled out of my hands and a fish streaked off with a lot of line.

Now bearing in mind I was using a Greys 10' spin(15-60g) and a fixed spool loaded with 15lb mono I could not bully the fish! After about one hour I very slowly started to get a bit of line back. All I was getting now was a bit of head shaking. The tide rip did not help mind.

As this was happening recieved a couple of phone calls and even managed to talk to Guy and Mick telling them of my predicament.

After about 90 mins got a few glimpses of a dark shape under the water about 25 yds out. Risked a few photos with my free hand but on reviewing them you could not see the fish.

Now I did not expect to land the fish with the gear I was using. The best result I could have got would have been to scramble down and unhook it in the water. All I really wanted was to get a photo of the damm thing.

It was not to be. The inevitable happened "twang":sad. After a few minutes collecting my senses I tied on another toby and set back to my original task of a bagful of mackerel for the barbie,thinking that the tope hook up was a total one off.

Boy o boy was I wrong. First cast hooked into another tope. Same as the first fish it smoked a lot of line on an initial run. After about 30 mins another two anglers turned up and took a real interest in what was happening. Did not catch the guys names but one lives in Port William and smokes a pipe. His mate was retired out of the fire service due to illness. Anyone know them ?

Anyway had a bit crack on with them whilst fighting this second tope and I asked him if he could take a couple of pictures of the scrap. This is what he came up with



After about 90 mins of fighting the fish I appeared to be slowly winning. As fate would have it I was also pulling in a lobster bouy and rope.

Damm. I gave the fish slack line to see if would untangle from the rope but it did not. Eventually the 15lb mono gave up the ghost!!! I did expect it mind.

The whole experience blew my mind. I had been there approx 3 hours and had been fighting fish the whole time!!!

Time was getting on and I did not want to risk another hook up with a tope. All I can think of is that there must have been a very large pack of tope just in front of me.

Would appreciate your thoughts on this strange afternoons fishing I had. Back over in two weeks and will be going back to the same mark - WITH MY BEACHCASTER AND A WIRE TRACE "

There you go then you ozzie fishos - a strange one or what :sun:


Edited by snatcher
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Cool, had no idea there were sharks of any kind in those waters.

What other large fish species 1mt plus do you have lurking around there?

Mad report too but what a shame you couldnt get the pic of the sharks, bugger!

good read mate, thank you.

We do have various shark types in UK waters - here is a link http://www.sharktrust.org/en/sharks_in_uk_waters

The common ones are dogfish,smoothounds,bull huss and tope. The larger sharks are mako,thresher,porbeagle,blue. Great whites are very rare but have been seen but not caught as far as I know.

Tope are very popular as a sport fish.

Fish which go to 1m+ would include cod,bass,,salmon,common skate,halibut. Pollack and coalfish can be about the 1m mark :sun:


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