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My "ozzie angling adventures" - Report 21


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For this trip I had my UK fishing buddy with me - Steve Pope. Those coarse fishermen amongst you may know the name as he is one of the top barbel anglers in the UK. Check him out here -


We decided on Little Manly Point Park as the venue,firstly because it is a known big fish spot and secondly thunderstorms were due and this place had two shelters. Also Steve had no waterproofs.

This was our fishing spot



Check out Steve with the thunderstorm creeping up on us


On the way to the mark we picked up some fresh squid at the local fish market. I also asked the lad if he had any "fishbits" and he gave me a right good selection of fish heads/bits of swordfish and tuna.

We set up on the bottom with running ledgers with the spools backed right off for safety. Livebaiting with yellowtail here is the way to go for the bigger species but try as we might we just could not get any tiddlers - by fair means or foul !!!!!

The heavens then opened with the storm above us,we were thankful for the shelter


During the storm my rod violently jerked over and the line started screaming off the reel. This is it I thought as I had a large fish head/squid cocktail on. It was not to be,this large crow had just flown into my line.


After the storm the sun got out and it got quite hot for an Autumn day. Again my reel screamed off to a fish head bait but the fish dropped the bait again. We tried all methods here including float fishing and lure fishing.

Eventually I did get a decent bite on ledgered squid and after a decent fight on light gear managed to get this snapper in. A couple of quick photos and back it went.


Shortly after this Steve was into a fish which proved to be a flounder - a new species for him.


Fishing wise it had been poor but the craic and the venue were great. I still have not caught my flathead yet but fingers crossed as I still have 3 weeks to go. My next report will see me fishing at Clontarf with an ozzie mate :sun:


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