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Spit Bridge - 24.12.14


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Just a quickie from Middle Harbour.

Had a break from the inlaws for a couple of hours, dropped down to the Spit land based, on the north side. Tried nuclear chicken soft plastics - I was pretty much just feeding Leather Jackets!!! - they must have thought it was Christmas or something!! ;)

I tried all under the bridge, incoming tide, which I wonder if it's why I had no luck. I tried right along that strip into the park casting out as far as possible but zero hits the further I got into the park.

Put on a small 3inch xrap hard body red belly with a red feathery tail... absolutely nothing as I worked back to the bridge.

Update: 26.12

Had an hour fishing the spit, south side, along the side that faces into middle harbour. Fishing around high tide, same tactics as above, nothing but tiny nibblers.

I seem to be struggling around this area, would be happy just picking up some table sized flathead. Will keep trying!

Anyone else struggling land based?

Merry Christmas Raiders.

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Best bet is to hunt around for squid, which are not too hard to get on the north side. Look for the sandy patches in the shallow areas. Or try and find some livies by berleying up with bread crumbs - I find chook feed brilliant for this (cheaper and more effective), just soak it in the water first before throwing it in. A bit of peeled prawn or slither of pill works well.

It has been a little hit and miss lately, but I'm going to go have a try tonight since conditions/tides are good.

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havent been to the spit in a while..used to get a bit of mixed bag but i found the spit was either firing or it was completely dead..best to get some squid on the north side and cast out as far as u can aiming for the hole, crack open a beer and wait

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