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Protection from the sun


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Hi Guys,

Just wondering what fisho's on this forum wear to protect themselves from the sun?

I tend to wear a t-shirt, sunscreen and a hat. However, I occasionally get a little sloppy applying the sunscreen and miss a spot or two, or I don't apply enough on other occasions. It's also a bit of a pain to apply when you're in a hurry getting to your favorite fishing location and rig up.

So I've been thinking of getting a proper cap that protects my ears and neck and also purchasing a proper long sleeve fishing shirt. These seem to be made of a lightweight and comfortable materials that helps keep you cool, so I'm wondering if anyone has some recommendations on which brands/styles they prefer.

Also, would a hiking store offer a better, and possibly cheaper, variety of such products?



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Broad brim straw hat and long sleeve shirt ( shimano do high collars and are very light weight and cool ( other brands are available ;) ) . Long pants on other boats boardies on mine cos of the launch.

Crimbo pressie this year included one of the neck head tube things to wrap me up like a ninja.

I still get burnt though cos the excitement to fish takes over. I keep an spf 50 rollon in my bag so I don't have to rub fishy fingers all over my face!

Edited by NaClH2OK9
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One of my christmas presents was a hat called a frillneck - normal cap with a cloth that acts like a kepi hat but can also be wrapped around the face or velcoed up into a variety of positions to cover the face, neck etc. Works brilliantly, nice and cool (thermally - dunno about looks department).


Other than that I have a shimano vented shirt that covers the arms but has a lot of ventilation so it stays fairly cool. I probably should find something better than boardies for my legs though.

Also the kids swimming school did a xmas party that included some free samples from Banana boat - one of them was a spray on sunscreen that I have found quite good, at least as effective as the sloppy rub in ones and a lot cleaner and quicker to apply.

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as above good straw hat and nice long sleve shirt, just gotta worry about legs and hands, i wish they made some light thin pants so legs are covered and not to hot.

my skin goes red at the first site of sun so i like to cover up.

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Guest Aussie007

i rarely wear any protection and do long days fishing in summer often come home with blisters but thats all going to change as one of my cousins i grew up with ive just been told is in the last stages of skin cancer its hitting home...

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Try the long work pants at the big variety stores. Around $15 made of cotton . Cheap with a couple of pockets.

They are not good to work in but more suitable for fishing. Buy a bigger size to give you more room. They slip on and off easily. Bit like track pants.

Same go`s with the shirts. Poor quality but great for fishing. Nothing beats a great straw hat. Look after it or buy a couple.

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Thanks for all the replies.

While I was down with a cold a couple of days ago, my wife decided to pop out to BCF during the sales and purchase a Shimano long sleeved shirt for me at a discounted price. I may look like a bit of a dork wearing it but at least I won't get sun burnt. As for the pant, I have a pair of lightweight hiking pants that zip off just below the knees, which I purchased many years ago. These will match the shirt and multiply the dork effect.

However, if I can catch fish like a pro this should help to reduce the dokiness to an acceptable level.

Thanks :)

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