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Clifton Gardens Friday Night and Sunday arvo..+ Undersized keeping fisherman.


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Hi Raiders,

Set out with an old friend to wet a line for the evening high tide on Friday afternoon.

We got out of work at an okay time and got up to Narrabeen... Wish I had checked what the swell was like when I checked the tides...

The beach looked like a wet hell.... Massive 3m+ waves were absolutely hammering the coast line.. The shore break White wash was about 20m out...Couldn't believe it...

Ohwell a quick change of location and about 35minutes later we were at Clifton Gardens.. Nice and easy.

Armed with a tailer from the freezer, some worms, fresh prawns and squid from the LFS at Narabeen we were ready for a nice couple of hours wetting a line.

First cast my friend brings in a keeper flattie on a bottle squid.. He was cheering dinner sorted.(He later gave it to his Grandma as she was owed a fish... cute.)

Whilst I'm setting up my beach rod with a ganged rig, I noticed the peeled prawn line I had quickly put out slowly moving.. I thought aw yeah.. What's this?

There was weight on the line but no real fight.. Got the sinker to the surface and this angry b***** broke the surface! Couldn't believe it. She was well hooked in her feeder bits so got her up onto the wharf no problems..


As soon as I got her up I realised she was nursing about half a kilo(not really but there was lots!) of eggs.. With a tense few moments of trying to avoid the pincers and with the help of a friendly fisho we removed the hook and got her back in the water safely with her eggs... Bye bye sweet sweet cranky crab.

Not to worry. I hadn't caught one before so was happy to land it. The rest of the night we got a handful of bream and bitesized snappers.. No keepers for me but a good session to close out a busy and stressful week.


Sunday afternoon came around and the weather looked like it was holding out, hooked up with the same mate and headed to Clifton Gardens.. Paid my $17 worth of parking(what a jip! - Mosman council turned up 3 times to book people... apparently they'd been hot on it all day) and headed towards the wharf... At 3pm it was packed.. Some idiots were flying solo with 5 rods out! I made an effort to say something to each of them...

Nothing major to report on this trip, got a number of small fish and a flounder that all went back.. Even tried a mid sized salmon head out on my beach rod right off the end of the wharf through the turn of high tide with no luck..

Then as I was packing up I noticed a small bucket half full of merky water with a small snapper in it. I asked the fisherman if it was his and if he was putting it back? His response was very much "I don't understand".... I went down to wash my hands and as I was walking back up the stairs I noticed this waste of space cover the fish with his rag and pretend to pack up and walk off. I called out to him and said "Mate you have to put that back it's TOOOOO small" by this stage I think the 15 people on the wharf could hear the anger in my voice...

I proceeded to school this idiot about what keeping small fish did to the local ecosystem and that if he had a fishing license he should know the rules.. I couldn't believe it. Even after being called out on it, he was going to take it home.. The poor little snapper would of been lucky to be 20cm..

I honestly had considered throwing him and the fish off the side of the wharf.. Seemed like the best way to leave an impression. I left it at the verbal spray he got from me but was still seeing red.

Needless to say the poor little snapper who didn't look to well found his way back into the blue.

The rain started to sprinkle so we stepped up our packing game.. Just as we got the last rod in the car it started to bucket down. Good timing.

I'm going to buy an airhorn and star blasting people in the face for keeping undersized fish... Not the first time I've seen it happen at CG.. Last time it was a few trevally.. The guy was trying to tell me bream, bream... sigh

How do we get NSW Fisheries to turn up and do a license check and bucket check on these ferals?

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hey mate

yes quite annoying, education is a big part. Not a new topic i know but contacts are below. (found here http://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0020/202349/NSW-SW-Rec-Fishing-Guide.pdf)

Hard to not be angry but no one wants to learn from an angry teacher... plus it settles your nerves too... hard to do, easy said then done.

Reporting illegal activities Report illegal or suspect fishing activities to the nearest NSW DPI fisheries office via the Fishers Watch Phoneline on free call 1800 043 536 or online at www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/fisheries/compliance


Sydney North 12 Shirley Road, Wollstonecraft 2065 02 8437 4903 or 0419 185 363

NSW Recreational Saltwater Fishing Guide Contact details 80 Coastal offices Sydney South 1 Water Street, Sans Souci 2219 02 9529 6021 or 0408 601 951

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Dude, when ever i come across people like that.... Not understanding of size limits and bag limits. i don't even ask if they are going to put it back and just throw the bucket of fish back into the water. Im pretty sure most of them know what they are doing is illegal... No fish cakes for you i say when releasing the fish. :-) Nice crab, good to see eggs on her.

Edited by chilledFisho
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Mate violence doesn't solve anything, I was at a spot and had reached my bag limit of whiting so was packing up and this clown comes up and starts yelling at me "do you speak a english?" I said yes. His response was " they look undersize" I said I know the size, then he started lecturing me about maintain your catch. I told him to bugger off I got a bbq and a lot of mouths to feed at my party. Then he reached for my bucket to tip it on the sand. This is where it gets ugly, I warned him to leave my stuff alone ive done nothing wrong and you're not an authority, so he pushes me and totally misunderestimated (25 years exp muai thai, 12years exp brazillian jujitsu) lets just say he would never be able to play sports. im not proud of what I did but had he not assumed I couldn't speak English and lecturing me about bag/size limits I would have showed him my catch quite easily cause it was a hot bite and was proud of what I caught. Sory for the long post

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We all condemn the practice of keeping undersized fish and it is illegal. Education is the key. We do not need any stories of violence reported on this forum.

Let's stick to the fishing reports and if this sort of activity happens in your journeys, THEN REPORT IT.

Fisho.sid has provided all the information you require......

Reporting illegal activities Report illegal or suspect fishing activities to the nearest NSW DPI fisheries office via the Fishers Watch Phoneline on free call 1800 043 536 or online at www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/fisheries/compliance


Sydney North 12 Shirley Road, Wollstonecraft 2065 02 8437 4903 or 0419 185 363

NSW Recreational Saltwater Fishing Guide Contact details 80 Coastal offices Sydney South 1 Water Street, Sans Souci 2219 02 9529 6021 or 0408 601 951


Scratchie mod team

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There is the right way to communicate a point through.

Whilst some play the "i dont speak english" there is still no need to to inflict abuse verbally or physically.

Impressive skills to have though :) Would have loved to see that but not endorsing violence though :)

Should always refer to the authorities, i dont have respect for those that play ignorance to fish size and bag limits but would not appreciate anyone touching my personal belongings regardless of the situation unless theyre authorised to do so. Sucked in to those that think they can get away with those actions without accountability.

Again, report to the authorities, i'm sure the receiver went from being a hero to zero real quick

Happy fishing

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