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Friday the 13th HEADING OFFSHORE


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Hi raiders myself and one of our members who doesn't post much but is an old mate from my previous workin life wants to catch some dollies.

Des has a nice boat post-256-0-60269300-1423462584_thumb.jpg

I haven't been offshore for ages and would like any tips as too where to go and catch livies and what port to leave from.

We have plenty of gear and Brickman is bringing some trolling lures to try out.

HELP PLEASE !! and if you want to buddy up on Friday no worries.

Regards Stewy

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If you head out of the harbour, The artificial reef about 1 km off the south head radar tower has been consistently reliable for slimies this year. If you cant manage slimies there you can still find cowanyoung which dollies will still smash.

One tip, the slimies school higher in the water column from 20ft down and are usually around the reef itself not on it. the cowanyoung are generally deeper and hold closer to the reef itself. we usually drive towards the reef but look for the schools up to a hundred meters from the reef itself.

good luck

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Stewie... Go from Foreshore road in Botany bay, hit the Tugs and barrels early for Yakkas and then head out to the FADs... From what I'm reading trolling from 50m to the FAD is providing a lot of Stripies and the odd Dollie.

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Yes, we BBQ'd it and it tasted amazing! Then again i smoked 20 a day then and burnt all my taste buds off - now being a non smoker and having regrown my taste buds it probably would taste quite bad... but still better than that rod you seem to keep chewing on!

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