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Conditions tomorrow


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Doesn't look that bad really, if the weather is as it says it is (which it never is) it will be a day of

Slapping around in the boat but not dangerous, just uncomfortable.

I was out 30k offshore last weekend in my

4.2 aluminium runabout and it was about 1.8-2.0m swell at 8-10secs with 8-10knots, rough old day but I still ran back in at 30kmph

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Mike that's a long way to go in a 4.2m !! Wish I had that kinda guts

It is a long way, not really advisable to anyone to be fair... It's not getting out, it's getting back that's the issue!

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Hi Ian,

No it's not it's a runabout shape so two seats up the front with steering wheel. I've heard of the guy who has the tiller steer and outriggers, there's only myself and my mate who I know of in sydney who head out that far.

I study the weather a lot of take alot into account before going, I also have learnt how to drive a boat in less than favourable conditions. I wouldn't recommend it to everyone but can be done as I have shown. You just need to have your head screwed on and have some balls basically lol

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I have two fuels tanks (over 200% of fuel I need for a run to the fad then 12 mile and back in)

I have a big bilge pump under the floor running off two seperate circuits.

I have obviously all safety equipment.

New boat with low hours new motor.

I've come back from 12 mile in over 2 metre swell and a southerly blowing about 15knots. Wasn't fun but not really that scary, you just take your time you'll always get back if you don't rush things and don't try and go out when it's stupid weather

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