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Nelson Bay Marina Breakwall 14 and 15-2-15


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G'day Raiders,

First of all I have to apologise for a couple of things. Sorry for the late report, I've been busy with new work commitments and I also should apologise for posting something against site rules which has since been rightfully removed. It was just something that fired me up due my passion for the issue.

Ok so I went back to the bay to chase the big Kings that busted us up last weekend, this time armed with suitable gear. Well, they were still hanging around and pretty soon the Mrs hooks up to a monster on the 7kg with 15lb braid and 20lb leader so we were in with a fighting chance unlike last week with the bream rods hahaha. After 8 minutes (I was checking) and much jumping across the rocks, the leader got shredded. She done everything right, following the fish and keeping the rod over it the whole time but the 20lb was no match for the rocks. Thanks to Scratchie for the suggestion of unweighted fresh squid!

I upped the 7kg rods to 30lb leader I was hoping to hook one on my 20kg rod with 50lb braid and 60lb leader.... Didn't happen....The next King took the lighter gear again and this time I thought I had it! But no.... into the rocks again....damn. 30lb leader was still no match. The Kings busting up in front of me, smaller ones that looked 70cm to 90cm and then you'd see single huge ones up to around 15kg! Unbelievable sight but they were so hard to tempt!

On the Sunday, we got there before sunrise and sure they were busting up again. I tried poppers, metals, plastics... everything, but they were so frustrating. No one else was fishing the wall so I was walking along with the tide as it was pushing out hard. I just happened to look over my shoulder to the Marina side and I seen a huge bust up that looked different. I quickly tied on a small metal and hooked up! They turned out to be small Mac Tuna and great fun on the bream sticks. The heavy boat traffic killed that fun pretty quickly though.

We still didn't land a king but we're getting closer. We did however land a couple of just legal snapper and some big jackets using the Mac Tuna for bait. Big Kings off the rocks is a steep learning curve and I've definitely got much more to learn but it's still fun!

Sorry no photos this time. It was just too frantic.



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Thanks Dave, I locked the original thread but had to rush out early so didn't get a chance to clean it up. Good to see the other guys got it done!

I love that breakwater and great to see you're getting some consistent king action... A lot more then many more can say!

My mrs really enjoys the spot too, she loves watching the Dolphins play around... Man when I'm scratchies age I'm going to retire up there!

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Good effort dave! Don't be disheartened. I've seen many a good angler get dusted there and as I've said before, they are the smartest kings you will encounter.

I'm pretty sure I seen you at the end of the wall as I was heading out to chase some beaks with some fellow raiders.

Keep at it, you'll work it one out soon enough and they generally hang around until the end of March.

Cheers scratchie!!!

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