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Botany Bay Sat 21st Feb


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Hey Raiders sorry for the long winded report.

Got to the Muddy Creek boat ramp at about 5am boat cover still on waiting for my mate to show up when the sky opens up thinking to myself today could of been a bad idea. Anyway mate was running late and by the time he got there the rain had passed. Uncovered the boat loaded up and headed out.

Headed straight for north head put out the spread an xrap each side and a skirt out back as a shotgun. Didn't take long and the port rod loaded up tell my young fulla Bowen to have a go he fights the fish to the boat a nice Bonito comes up he panics drops the tip and fish gone haha after some consolation and advice on where he went wrong we started out again head to my next mark fish on the sounder then bang port rod loads up again Bowen has another go does extremely well and pulls in a nice bonnie about 45cm. On the way to the next mark Bowen goes quite turns a bit green and dashes for the bucket poor little guy says its fine dad lets keep fishing. Made the decision to head back in. Trolling back in we hit another 2 bonnies which my mate made quick work of both over the 40cm mark as well.


Once back in the bay Bowen starts to get his colour back so decide to try for some squid off Kurnel with no luck but Bowen had a ball ripping in pinkies one after another using some bonnie for bait.

Was approaching the top of the tide so decided to go hit the flats n chase some lizards first drift and bang my 4" pumpkinseed gulp was inhaled by a 38cm flattie into the ice box he goes. We then spot some birds feeding on bait on the shallows hoping for some tailor to be about with no sign of anything but birds smashing bait we do a drift through the bait and my gulp gets smashed by a flattie get him up to the boat mate had the net ready but the fish wasn't done so let him turn his head for another run a head shake on the turn and the hook comes free I was SPEWING hate losing fish even worse when u see what u lost estimate he was in the 50's. After berating myself I set us up for another drift first cast and bang another nice fish and this one feels bigger played it very nervously when up comes a nice 63cm fish. Now the tough decision and after promising the mrs a feed of flatty tails for dinner in the ice box she goes I really don't like keeping the big ones but brining home dinner will def help me convince the mrs to let me go more often. The next drift my mate bags himself a 48cm lizard on a vibe and I have a nice whiting smash my 4" gulp which was surprising.




So with a good feed in the Icebox we called it quits at 1pm

One observation I made with the Bonnies was they all hit the lure that was set short in the bubble trail

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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