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Weather these days


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So much for a hot summer, i never got one :P

And what's with these weather predictions? I remember a few years ago they were quite accurate, these days I have to check the day before.

When you check on a monday and it says saturday SUNNY 32 - by the time it's friday and you are confirming the weather for Saturday, its showers, 27.

They seem so wrong these days.

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not so much of a weather forecast, but more like a wild guess, more of a pain for me as I live 350km inland, and need to book ahead if I want to fish at the coast., Sea conditions are even worse to predict and seems most of the webcams now charge fees................unless anyone knows of a free webcam at shoalhaven/crookhaven heads?

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No kidding about the weather reports. I went to the entrance on friday night. Forecast said 60% chance of 1-5mm showers and 25km/h winds. Just started sprinkling as I got there around 8:30pm. I left 2 hours later due to the pouring rain and 45-50km/h winds...

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I agree, with shift work and random days off, very frustrating seeing good weather then The night before you wanna go it's changed and horrible, either raining , or large swell/ wind, then back at work and lovely day..

I'm from canberra so closest water is batemans bay, expensive day if you get the weather wrong, and rough when your up at 4am to get there in good time.

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Yep, nothing more annoying than people who cant predict the future correctly :P

In all seriousness though, if you can find a few sites that utilise different forecast models and compare them it often gives a pretty good indication as to how reliable or uncertain the forecast will be. If i'm heading off shore in my small boat I usually check the BOM's meteye as the first port of call but also cross reference Seabreeze and Wunderground.


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Meteorologists will still tell you that weather prediction beyond the next 24hrs is still an inexact science, but it is improving. Mr. Squidy has the clues. Take your info from a few local sites. Keep in mind, though that the BOM still supplies them with much of their information, but local sites then extrapolate local conditions for a slightly more accurate forecast.

Besides, unexpected bad weather might be your personal jesus' way of saying, "It might be time for a bit of maintenance". It's not all bad.

And what's with these weather predictions? I remember a few years ago they were quite accurate, these days I have to check the day before.

That's a statement I often hear in various incanations. If you have written records that back that up, then fair enough. But most of have have selective long term memory. We tend to remember what we percieve as stand out moments from days gone by. In your case, it were the days that you remember when the long term predictions had you out on the water. It's likely that there were as many long term predictions that were as innacurate as they are now, but for some reason, they have slipped by.

Another example is when people insist it's a full moon when other's appear to behave bizzarly. People behave bizzarly all the time. We just remember it happening when it coincides with a full moon. Selective memory.

No doubt, weather patterns are changing; the hot days are "getting warmer" and the storms seem to pack more punch. But you can hardly blame the BOM. Like most of us, they are doing their best with the (increasingly changing) data they have.

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