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Sydney Harbour - Friday 27th February


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Hi Raiders,

Hit the harbour early looking forward to the "calm" conditions promised by WillyWeather and BOM as late as Thursday evening.

Thought I might head out the The Colours and possibly the FAD so I collected some livies from Rose Bay.

Met a couple of guys who had been fishing from about 12 with no luck although it did occur to me that they started two hours after the top of the tide and fished to low tide...

probably not the ideal time.

Headed out between the heads at first light only to be confronted with at least15 knot SSE winds and a rain squall.

Didn't fancy that so I headed back in to chance my luck around the markers.

The water temp was 24 degrees and the High tides were 4:15 am and 5:03PM

Caught some rats early in the day at around 60cm which was pretty much the experience of the half a dozen other fishos I spoke to.

I hooked them on pretty much any thing I threw at them. The were fun on light gear.

There were three or four tour guides bouncing from market to marker targeting kings on squid strips. They did not look to be doing that well.

On the turn of the tide I noticed a baitfish school off Neilson Park with a lot of arches underneath so I put down a live bait on a sinker. Almost immediately

it was taken. It felt a reasonable size but the rapid head shakes gave me an instant indication it wasn't a Kingie.

After a short fight I pulled in a Samson Fish at about 50 CM. That's a new species for me so I kept it for the table...

Anybody cooked one up before? Being related to the trevally I would expect it to be good.

WEnt for a swim at Clifton Garden and spoke to the LB fishos. They were catching 35 cm trevs and one or two bonitio.

I didn't see any surface action all day except for on the western side of Gladesville Bridge.

By the time I got to it it was all over.

Thats it... not very exciting

I hope those heading out Saturday have better luck



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A bit disappointing the bigger kings aren't cooperating.

But that Samson should make a fine meal.

From my job site, I could see bust ups just east of gladesville in the morning, but quiet later on.

I hope there is some action tomorrow.

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A bit disappointing the bigger kings aren't cooperating.

But that Samson should make a fine meal.

From my job site, I could see bust ups just east of gladesville in the morning, but quiet later on.

I hope there is some action tomorrow.

Would have liked to have caught whet ever it was west of the bridge. Didn't get close enough to identify them.

Took the top half of the fillets of Samson and dipped them in milk, flour and crushed salt and vinegar chips.

liked to have caught whet ever it was west of the bridge. Didn't get close enough to identify them.

Took the top half of the fillets of Samson and dipped them in milk, flour and crushed salt and vinegar chips.

Offered them up to the kids and they demolished them.

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A new species is good Jim. The rain was pissing down this morning over Port Hacking, happy I fished yesterday and not today.


With all the head shakes I thought I was on to a decent Snapper.

I pelted down in the harbour in the morning ... couldn't see the bridge from a few k's away it was so heavy.

Cleared up nicely and the sun was out by midday drying everything out.

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shame about the wind. i was planning to head out today on the boat to but ended up becoming lazy and stayed home. congrats on ticking a new species off the list.

Thanks Ojay,

I checked the bridge out on the way back where you caught your last posted Jew. There were plenty of good arches around the bridge pilots so if you can't get in the boat then I would seriously consider tossing a few SP's around.



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