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Getting a bit frustrated with the current situation...


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Hey Raiders,

Sorry for a bit of a self-indulgent rant- just need to get this out of my system, so hope you don't mind lending an ear.

Since I started fishing SPs late last year and hard bodies a month or so ago I've had some modest success and usually manage a bread and butter fish or two (read bream, flattie, tailor, jacket or whiting) per session. Generally I've been happy with my fishing and occasionally I've even managed to pull out a legal fish.

In the last month or so, however, I've started to get frustrated. It's the same frustration I felt when I started fishing in Australia with bait early last year and only ever managed to get undersized fish for months on end. Basically, the usual "one or two legal fish" per session just isn't cutting the mustard. I don't feel the same sort of excitement that I did about 6 or 7 months back when SP fishing was all new, and the initial elation I felt in getting my first few fish on HBs and catching my first squid has worn off. A week or two ago, for example, I spent most of the day from about 8 am til 5 pm at one of my fishing spots and took home a couple of legal flatties after a good HB session that yielded 5 fish. Yesterday I spent all day at the same spot and managed my first couple of (undersized) whiting on HBs and got a leatherjacket on SPs to take home. Modest milestones, yet both times I came home thinking what's the point in spending all that time out there for not much reward. I was particularly annoyed cos I lost a couple of good lures and went through an entire packet of SPs- about $40-worth of tackle in one session and had my first self-caught squid baits scoffed by tiny tailor and jackets in another.

Couple of things that are irritating me in particular are that I want to buy a heavier outfit to start targeting bigger species, but don't really have the spare cash to invest in one, and I'm still learning to drive (going to start taking proper lessons this coming week) so I'm restricted by public transport- no early morning/late night sessions. The missus bought me a voucher for an offshore fishing trip for my birthday last year, so trying to book that in for the next week or two to see if that will alleviate the tedium. She goes away next week again for business too, so gonna try some spots further afield to see if mixing it up produces some bigger fish.

Anyways, moan over. Maybe the next session will have something more fun to talk about.Thanks for listening!


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Its the luck of the draw, all part of the game. And we all swear at the cost involved, but again, its just part of the game.

Just remember not to get caught up in rating your trip on the size of the fish, or the amount you can take home. I personally just enjoy being out by the water, socializing with other fishos and letting a few go


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I feel ya, Adam but I guess at least you're catching something! I had a dry spell over most of summer with weeks of donuts and felt some similar frustration.

I am finding that variety is keeping me entertained. Have you fished for pelagics yet? Spinning for salmon is great fun, the fight they give is exhilarating. I'm yet to land my first kingy, but there is a bit of organisation in making that happen from land - now is a good time to try for them though. Aside from that, fishing baits off harbour rock platforms can land drummer, large bream and groper that can also be high on the fun factor.

Sometimes it is just a matter of wearing your Polaroids and seeing what comes past. A large school of tailor appeared the other weekend, and I tied on a small plastic, wound it in fast and had them all racing each other to get it. They were only small, but it was great fun!

This weekend I spotted mullet in my bread berley trail and switched to bread a foot under a bubble float, landing a bunch of good mullet which were getting into a splashy frenzy even trying to hit my float, a big gar and a nice bream.

Just some ideas from my experiences after feeling like I've have been on the same page as you in recent times.

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Guest no one

I know the pain! Fishing can be very hit or miss and sometimes the usual suspects just don't make the cut!

We've all had similar sessions - those times where we can't understand why we spend all day fishing for not much return. I know 3 fellas who trolled the ocean for marlin for 2 days solid this weekend only to come home empty. But for them, for me... For a lot of us it's not about the fishing. It's about taking the good with the bad, the bond with the sea, the friendships we make while fishing.

Personally I feel down right now after an amazing weekends fishing because it's the last I'm going to have in a long time with my fishing partner woody who is moving back to NZ. The memories we have are amazing because regardless of the fish we had amazing company with so much in common (our kids were born in the same hospital on the same day).

I guess what I'm saying is yeah - fishing on your own is fun, it's rewarding at times and frustrating at others BUT fishing with a really good friend is always gold!

Bro - sounds like you need a fishing buddy!

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I think you had some great advice but I identify with what Ed is saying. We are emotionally involved with this through catches. Friends we meet. Share and feed back on this site.

Being out there as a Hunter is the passion. But I also understand that not getting that hit deflates you.

It's clearly time to up your game. Hit another social. Fish with another raider. Push another boundarie.

I'm only an amature myself but have upped my game massively through this site. I'm out next weekend. Fri or sat if the weather isn't torrential rain. Come to cronulla and I'll try and put you on a fish :)

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do ou do the same thing over and o ver the same spot sover and over ?

i have maybe 100 different spots just in the harbour same for botany the hawksbury down south

just have to keep trying different spots and techniques

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Thanks for the support guys.

@Jimbu and Juggs: Cheers for the replies guys. I haven't tried for pelagics yet, it's on my to-do list- really need a new spool for my current reel with heavier braid or invest in new, thinner braid with a heavier weight-rating. Again, it's a question of money.

@Juggs: I try to mix it up and go both east and west of the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Most common spots are Iron Cove, Rozelle, Balmain, Double Bay and Rose Bay. I'd like to spend a bit more time on the Cooks chasing jewies once I have the right tackle together. I use SPs, HBs and sometimes squid baits (though I only started catching my own squid a few weeks ago).

@NaCIH20K9: Cheers man, you'll probably end up with me on your doorstep next weekend ;)

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Sorry dude, was only joking about the doorstep thing (I honestly have no idea where you're at) ;) I was actually looking at Cronulla the other day. Are there many land-based spots down there that are worth heading to from the Inner west? It'd take me about 1h 15m to get there by public transport.

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I've been in the same boat at times Adam and it's definitely a case of change species / spots / goals / expectations.

I've got a good groove with breaming at the moment but they've lost their excitement to some extent. So lately I've been enjoying taking the gf out and getting her stuck into it. I'm excited vicariously through her about new species and pbs and learning all over again.

The other part is challenging yourself. I'm starting to try chasing pelagic and get back onto the jewie horse. But it's meaning alot of doughnuts and spot exploring.

Its hard limited to public x port etc, but just gimme a call man I'm 5 mins away and always fishing haha

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Mate I'd invest in a couple of small raiders or halco twistys (5-20g) and give spinning on the light gear a run. Plenty of willing pelagics in the harbour at the moment - and more often than not - it they're on, they're on. Sure you might strike out every now and then but certainly good fun when your getting follows from some big bonnies etc. if you need some spots shoot me a pm

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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We all have sometimes the same experience.

That's why it is called fishing and not catching the fish.

Just try to target different species, styles and places and your success rate will dramatically improve.

Good luck!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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Mate save up your money and maybe think about spinning for pelagics off the rocks? At someof the beaches around sydney?

The water is about to cool down and then it's time fr salmon off the beach as well, could use e same rod for salmon.

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Hey Adam,

Lots of good advice there and plenty of opportunities to fish with other raiders.

Nothing like a enthusiatic fellow fisherman to get the adrenaline flowing!

I know its a little hard during the week but keep in mind the offer of a few months ago.



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Thanks for the advice, encouragement and offers guys- much appreciated. Wasn't meaning to be a mope, just a bit annoyed after the last few sessions.

I might invest in a slightly cheaper reel for my 2-4 kg rod and load it up with some heaver braid and go chase some pelagics. Saw my first proper big bust up directly under the harbour bridge a few weeks ago and I was desperate to chuck a slug out into the middle of it at the time, but my current outfit's not really suited to it.

Cheers again.

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I can agree. When i started fishing, when i was younger, i used some heavy stuff! Like i would fish for bream with 20lb gear. But ive since worked out that is much more fun in light gear.

There are some environments where you need some power, like the rocks or heavy surf beaches, where you can't control light lures. But in the harbor or an estuary you can get away with some super light gear. Im with teflon, ive got a 3lb outfit, and even if you can't land the fish, it's damn good fun to get munted!

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