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Botany Bay Kingies


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Headed out into Botany Bay this morning for a casual session, keen to try out my new ETEC 60 after boat repairs following an accident coming home from Christmas holidays, happy to report the motor went beautifully.

We tried to tempt a few Yakkas at the Suck, but had no luck. Lots of little diamond fish and what looked like tiny Yakkas but nothing big enough to catch. We were parked next to a couple of other raiders (~6m centre console with yellow splash guards forward port and starboard). Sorry if we were parked a bit close to you - I ended up closer than I had intended, but figured I'd be even more annoying if I tried to reposition.

We then tried drifting for squid off the third runway, where I have had luck before, but not today. We ended up at the Drums and set a berley trail. Plenty of small Trevally but nothing legal. I did snag two rat Kingfish who were happy to scoff a prawn however, so did set a new PB with a pair of twin 57 cm models. They certainly pull harder than Trevally! Both swam away happily.

We were moved on by Maritime after 11 however who wanted us outside the exclusion zone - I didn't realise there was a permanent exclusion zone at the Drums, only when ships were moored there. I could see the buoys they pointed out to the North-East, but they are pretty much by themselves, making it hard to know where the actual exclusion zone is.

Does anyone know exactly where you are able to legally fish in that area?

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Edited by Tastee
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Hi Tastee,

I also have an etec 60hp. Has been running smoothly for the past few years. Hopefully you enjoy it as much as I do mine. Nice kingies btw I'm also on the hunt for my first legal as well. Not too sure about the drum exclusion zone, I've never fished them before and generally avoid them as I too don't know what area there is legal to fish. Sorry I couldn't be of much help.


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Thanks Kingie chaser. I checked the Maritime maps online on Sunday evening but could not see any permanent exclusion zones. I'll check my hard copies at home however as you suggest.

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