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A good ISP


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Hi Raiders,

After 10 days of slow internet and absolutely no land line, it's all now working again. I'm not going to dismiss Telstra as being the heroes here, but communications with them were entirely one way. My ISP, however, returned all phone calls and emails and, after receiving a call from them while I was at work last night to say they had restored services, I got home to find that they were true to their word. Not only that, but my internet connection speed had improved 25%.

I'll miss them when I eventually move to the mid north coast. Probably the only thing I'll miss from Sydney. Hope there's good ISP's where I'm going.

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We recently moved to the Mid North Coast and continued with Telstra. Having tried a number of ISP in the past I have found there is little difference between them (in the bush at least) when everything is working well. I am undecided what to do with NBN arriving.

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Hi Cargo,

Thanks for replying. I would suggest that you consider NBN when it becomes available. But don't rush in. Prices will inevitably drop. That's where the third party ISP's can be useful if performance is much the same across the board. NBN would not only be faster, but should be more reliable in all weather conditions. That's a big plus anywhere, but more so in regional areas. How are you finding life in the Mid North Coast?

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G’day GreyNurse

Thanks for the info on NBN.

We moved here about 6 months ago and think it is paradise. We can’t believe how good it is. The fishing has taken me longer to sort out than I would have liked, but I am finally making some small amount of process, however I haven't cracked the code for fishing for jewies from the breakwall as yet.

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The NBN isn't an ISP, so you'll still need to find one.

Im with Telstra because thats my only option. Telstra 4G.

Its fast but expensive, 15GB is $110

I have the NBN fibre out the front of my house and cant wait for

the contractors to come and hook me up, then I can go with who ever

I want

Go to nbnco.com.au type in your address and see when you can connect

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G'day antonywardle,

I understand NBN is the service, not the ISP.. However, if the ISP's on the Mid North Coast utilise it, and it's available at the user's address, then it's worth considering over copper. In theory, when it rains, for instance, users shouldn't experience disconnects and slow speeds that affect the current copper technology. Then there's the current onfiguartions, like fibre to the home, fibre to the street. Stuff like that. It all has to be weighed up.

But even then, I'm not going to jump straight in, myself. I'll monitor the movement in various ISP's plan prices of NBN before changing over.

It's a pity my ISP doesn't cover the Mid North Coast. I'll miss them when I move. Hopefully I can get just as good a service for the right price when I do leave for "God's Own Acre".

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G’day Blokes

We received a letter to say that NBN was now available and to contact etc. etc. Like Nursie, I haven’t jumped in as yet. Although I use the net often, it is almost exclusively for fishing related info (yes I am addicted to fishing), and I find the current service satisfactory. Perhaps this only highlights my limited imagination.

Nursie, where will "God's Own Acre" be?

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At some point within the next 18 months you'll have to move because your

copper will be taken away.

Pick an ISP and a plan, if you are worried about the service then go on a month to month

plan. If you aren't sure of what the plan is like, then drop me a pm and I'll take a look at it for you

and give you my 2cents

FWIW, I'm going to go unlimited 100/40 with who ever gives me the best deal. I'll get a free phone

and will be able to get an inhome "cell" to boost my mobile phone, although if I go back to a home

phone then maybe i won't need to worry about it.

Things that you might do with a fast NBN connection:

Set up security cameras around your home that upload so you can keep an eye on things from your phone when you are away

Catch up on TV shows you missed because you were fishing

Video call your daughter and see your grandkids who moved to a different country for free

Signup to an online video store so you don't have to bother going and renting a movie from a shop.

Have a web cam feed of work you are doing on your trailer so that people can watch and tell you what to do when you

get to a tricky part.

Have your fishfinder update itself when you park your boat in the driveway.

You can do these without the NBN, but with it, your experience will be so much nicer ;-)

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