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Sydney Harbour Mon 18th


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Couldn't get out last week and heard good reports of Trevally and Salmon, so set off to catch the 8.30am high tide. Caught a legal Tailor trolling a CD11 in red and white "bleeding gill" pattern (my favourite).

Then scooted over to Sow and Pigs to catch some lives. The Yakkas were XOS and not ideal live bait size being on the big size. Also lots and lots of 22-26cm Trevally (all released) and only a few over 30cm, we had several Squid vicious in nuclear chicken hammered with no hookup. A huge Kingiy came up the burley trail deployed for the yellowtail, I dropped the nuclear chicken in front of it, 2 jigs and then a screaming run and 10 minute fight on 10kg Powerpro and 20kg fluropro. No Pics as I couldn't land it - dove deep and wrapped me around a rock. I haven't had kings do this to me before. My mate Steve up graded to 20kg outfit and exactly the same thing happened, but a 15 minute fight. Ivan was also busted up on 20kg gear.

The Big winter kings are in the harbour, but I guess they don't get big like their "stupid" younger cousins that have been around all summer.

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