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10 year car and boat licence :-(

General Zod

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So yesterday I went to NSW Sevice's to get a 10 year licence combined with my boat. After waiting 1/2hr I was a bit disappointed to fine out that I couldn't combine the two for 10 years. They only allow 5years combined. Apparently maritime doesn't offer a 10year licence yet! So I purchased 10year car licence because I got a discount of 50% (good driver record) which I think is an awesome idea, and a 5year boat licence. Also they don't give u the card licence there they mail it to you, car and boat. I understand the boat but mail the car licence I thought it was a bit backwards.

So if your thinking of getting a combined licence u know what to expect.

Edited by General Zod
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You'd want to hope that your current drivers license doesn't expire before your new ones mailed out if your anything like me and leave it until the last minute.

I was asked if I wanted a 10yr license a few months ago..I told the lady to just make it a 1yr one as I don't know if I'll still be alive in ten years.Ten years is a long time and I can imagine how many people will pass away before that time is up.Government departments make enough money from us as it is without having to leave them more.

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The mailing of licenses was a hot topic on talkback radio this last week. And for good reason. An error with delivery and identity theft becomes a real issue. And maritime doesn't offer a 10 year license? I thought the department was RMS now, not RTA. Just proves that a change in name doesn't change their traditional thinking.

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Guest 4myson

The RMS are truly a bunch of idiots !! With the amount of Fraud going on from personal information being stolen threw our mail from something simple as bank statements & were are constantly being told to wacth our mail & what we do with old statements containing our personal information , which IDIOT at the top of RMS decided it would be a great idea to post out your drivers licence out 2 -3 weeks later ??? Not that it contains anything important on your drivers license like DOB ,Lic no : & address which makes it easy for someone would need to steal your identity !!!! Just think of how many hands that envelope would have to pass before it finally lands in your Letter box not that it is any safer sitting there till you finally get to it yourself if your Lucky !!!!

What's that saying. " IF IT AIN'T BROKE DON'T F@%K IT " !!!!!!

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