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Sunday on the Hacking


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Today was the day I had planned to fish with a mate. It wasn't to be so I was off on a solo trip again.

I hit the water about 6:30 and headed out and down the coast. 85f2b2415b9c12cda352b06f00540789.jpg

I spent some time playing around with the electronic gadgetry before dropping down in 30 metres picking up two flatties straight away. Thinking I had struck gold I spent the next couple of hours bringing up undersize ones. As soon as the bait hit bottom bang another one. Tried 40 metres same result..... 50 meters and I found the jackets [emoji35]

I headed back up and decided on trolling as I got closer to the Bommie. I picked up a Tailer on my heavier setup.

Next up I decided to target squid. Quickly got one, with the day quickly disappearing I didn't persist for long.

The last stop for the day back in the river I managed 3 Trevors and kept two. They really are a fun fish to catch on light gear.

After umpteen last casts I called it a day.


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