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Fishing over the long weekend - late report


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Gday Raiders

Late report as ive been rather busy this week.

Managed to get out twice over the long weekend, Saturday was the day I had originally planned for a fish, but as it turns out Sunday my mum and sisters had planned a surprise baby shower/welcoming for my wife, so they said “ sorry we have to kick you out now, girls only”…………..yes…….you’ve absolutely ruined my day what am I to do with myself now haha !!! packed the rods and bait in the boat and hit the road within 30 mins.

So this is how it went (sorry for the long report)

Saturday Botany Bay

Inside the bay I found it very quiet and hard going, fished all the usual haunts, Molinx Pt, Kurnell, Yarra Bay, the Runway, Wooloware Bay for one 53cm flatty. So I said “ what the heck” and remembered some of the advice Ed had offered earlier in the week, I decided to give the cliff edges a go. Headed out past botany heads and trolled the edges of the cliffs north. Very quiet. No hits whats so ever until I saw some bait fish scattering on the surface really close to the edge of the rocks. By this time I was infront of coogee.

So I killed the engine and watched from a distance waiting to see if the baitfish would scatter again, and they did. I could see that whatever was harassing these baitfish had pushed them really hard up against the rocks, and there were fishos on the rock ledges with their lines out. The question was, how do I get close enough to put a lure within striking distance without A – putting myself in danger and B – cleaning up the lines of the rock fishos.

Continueing to watch from a distance my question answered itself…….the baitfish moved. As soon as they were out of reach of the fishos and safe distance from the rocks/wash I started the engine, put out the lures and STRIKE, Bonito comes aboard. Second pass, STRIKE, another Bonito comes aboard, this time a little more solid. Did 10 or so passes in total for 5 fish which was good fun. After that headed home. (kept the bonnies for a feed and bait) – and it seems this happens to me almost every trip now, one of the bonnies spat out its stomach contents at me, Pilchard!!

Sunday – Sydney Harbour

An easier day which found the fish more willing to bite, Started the day by fishing Sow & Pigs for 3 legal bream, a Trevally and a good size Tailor. Having had success along the cliff edges the day before I said why not , out past the heads and turn southward, this time finding the fish equally dispersed, picking up 3 Bonito, a good size Salmon and a lonely, lost, late season Frigate?

All in all a great mixed bag for an unplanned trip.

Managed to keep a feed for myself and also give a feed away to both the parents and the in laws.

Thanks for reading.




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Welldone mate top mixed bag both days

cheers mate

Sounds like a fun, eventful weekend there mate

I also caught a frigate spinning the rocks over the long weekend which surprised me

But anyway, nice catch, heaps of bait and a nice feed

Cheers Gianni

thanks mate, Yes its good to see some frigates still about they make a top bait !

Nice report and good result. I wasn't sure the bonito were still about. Excellent eat imo. Nice work.

thanks mate, i wasn't sure either ! I guess the best thing to do is to get out there to see for yourself sometimes.

Nice work mate! What lures were you trolling?

halco Xmas tree and magnum xrap in pilchard. all fish on the pilchard diver haha ( I wonder why)

Good work bro! Loads of bait around, just got to find the fish under them!

it was great to see so much bait around, at one stage I could see them under the boat they were really thick. im sure the cold water predators aren't too far off with sheer volume of baitfish around, interestingly all within a reasonable distance from shore.

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You were lucky. After a beautiful day weatherwise on Sunday, the wife and I decided to take the boat out on Botany Bay for a fish on Monday. Weather predicted 20 to 30kph winds. No drama. So out we went. After about half an hour fishing the wind picked up to 60-70kph and was blowing against the tide. BIG BUMMER. We upped anchor and headed back to the ramp taking a real pounding from 4ft seas which were nearly vertical. A trip that normally takes 2 minutes took about 20 minutes. (From Cook's landing place to the Kurnell ramp.) Our poor little 4.75m Quintrex took a pounding, crashing into and over waves. Even had the prop come out of the water a couple of times as we crested the waves. But it sure gave me confidence in what the boat would take, even though we had the life jackets at the ready. Every time a wave would come at us and it looked like the bow would bury into it, the bow would rise up and over. Fortunately there were some nice fellows at the ramp jetty who helped us dock and retrieve the boat. Saved more messing around. They had a boat to launch but decided to go home.

We were wet and tired from bracing and holding on in the seas and didn't even catch a fish. And yet Sunday was glorious! Bugger.

Edited by mr475
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You were lucky. After a beautiful day weatherwise on Sunday, the wife and I decided to take the boat out on Botany Bay for a fish on Monday. Weather predicted 20 to 30kph winds. No drama. So out we went. After about half an hour fishing the wind picked up to 60-70kph and was blowing against the tide. BIG BUMMER. We upped anchor and headed back to the ramp taking a real pounding from 4ft seas which were nearly vertical. A trip that normally takes 2 minutes took about 20 minutes. (From Cook's landing place to the Kurnell ramp.) Our poor little 4.75m Quintrex took a pounding, crashing into and over waves. Even had the prop come out of the water a couple of times as we crested the waves. But it sure gave me confidence in what the boat would take, even though we had the life jackets at the ready. Every time a wave would come at us and it looked like the bow would bury into it, the bow would rise up and over. Fortunately there were some nice fellows at the ramp jetty who helped us dock and retrieve the boat. Saved more messing around. They had a boat to launch but decided to go home.

We were wet and tired from bracing and holding on in the seas and didn't even catch a fish. And yet Sunday was glorious! Bugger.

that's a real bummer mate, sorry to hear your trip didn't go well. hats off to your lady for braving the conditions with you :)

this weekend is shaping up to be great so looks like you might have an opportunity to take 2

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