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Sydney Today


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Gday all, absolute great morning to be out. Not a boat insight and the harbour glass the heads beckoned.

Nice gentle NE swell coming through at a metre at most bugger all current .5 downhill and water at 19.8 and it stayed like that all day. Water colour not that great blue green visibility 3M.

Fishing extremely slow but worth it. Fished north of the heads today starting in 60M. Waste of time for only a couple of 53cm mowies and pesky sweep. Decided to go wider to some good winter grounds in 80M that produce thumpin snapper and pearlies.

First drop yielded a nice just legal snapper, so we knew they were here. Spent the next hour catching snapper to 2.5kg amongst plenty of just unders. Bite stopped dead on high tide.

Moved in to 40M wher we managed to top up on some nice flatties.

Interestingly all fish caught full of roe and milt, the same went for all other species caught.

Heaps of whales around as well all in all a good day. Will be out the whole weekend as well.

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Guest no one

Good work Finin, think this weekend might be a good one. Has the current slowed down outside? Saw a couple of pics of some big snapper where they were using small weights in about 50m...

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Guest no one

60-80m Depending where you fish on it, last time out there a month back by the time my lead hit the bottom i was about 500m from the spot i stopped at... current was unbearable!

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