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Saturday Sydney


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Hi Raiders,

I've been struggling lately so there hasn't been much to report.

It's been so bad that I have been put on notice, get some fish, or get...... lost.

Friday night I got the call from Royce, " We are fishing the lowest part of the harbour,

with this bump on the fish will come inside.

I don't argue, I know he knows his stuff, but then he goes further, " I reckon they are a good bet on fly"

I got to his place at 5.20 and he was at his desk tying weed flies. He explained why his are different to the ones you buy, and it made perfect sense. ( sorry trade secret). I haven't cast a fly in 15 years, so I was happy that our buddy Mark was at the spot with a good supply of weed and cabbage.

We get to the spot and there is a good wash, more like being out on the rocks than inside the harbour.

Royce starts getting takes from the get go, then he pulled the first fish, and the second...

Mark started getting them on cabbage while I was getting zip on weed.

When I did finally hook one, the mainline snapped. When re rigging it snapped every time I tried to tie a knot. I showed they guys, Royce pulled dragged the line off and snapped metre after metre, "It's Rotten"

Those guys kept going fish after fish, I changed to my backup reel, hooked another good fish only to snap the leader on the lift. I snapped off again and thought Stuff this and went to watch the action on the fly.

Royce offered me a go, which he soon regretted, as I left his leader a tangled mess that needed re rigging.

But he suggested I put on a fly instead of cabbage.

It worked, I got a good down, and pulled up tight on to a fish. It felt big as it took line and was playing hard.

I got him in and washed him up onto the ledge. Just legal,,30cm foul hooked under the gills.

First blackfish on a fly anyway. I'm starting to feel better.

Next drift I'm on again and the leader goes 'PING' FC Rock I hate you..

Swapped over Vanish, that Royce and Mark were using, and started getting a few fish.

Confidence building, then a couple more.

We called it around 10:30 both the guys bagged out, Royce purely on fly, Mark on cabbage, and I was happy just to contribute after all my dramas.

We kept 16 the rest went back in.



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Guest hawkesbass

About bloody time.

Disappointed i missed the day.

Bloody bulging disc in my back.

Great day out for you guys.

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Well done for sticking at it and getting your first blackfish on a fly man, sorry to hear you lost a few because of the dodgy line. Just wondering, and this is probably a silly q, but can you fish the weed flies on a regular spin outfit?

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Cheers Adam,.

Yes you can get them on fly and spin gear, Scratchie Jnr proved at the entrance social

You will need berley.

We are using rods more "sloppy" and longer than regular spin rods.

Blackfish have soft lips and small mouths, and they go hard in lunges and rolls.

The bendy rod absorbs the shock. If you don't want to go all out on a new outfit

I think you would be better off with a fly rod in the 5-6 range with a spin reel.

Royce put Gianni on this combo and he smashes it.

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Cheers Adam,.

Yes you can get them on fly and spin gear, Scratchie Jnr proved at the entrance social

You will need berley.

We are using rods more "sloppy" and longer than regular spin rods.

Blackfish have soft lips and small mouths, and they go hard in lunges and rolls.

The bendy rod absorbs the shock. If you don't want to go all out on a new outfit

I think you would be better off with a fly rod in the 5-6 range with a spin reel.

Royce put Gianni on this combo and he smashes it.

Cool man, thanks for the advice. I'll need to keep an eye out for a short fly rod. Yet another thing to spend some tax and birthday money on ;)

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What leader were you using to have it snap so easily?

I tried Vanish fluoro a few years ago, rated at 6lb, but I estimate it was breaking at 2 - 3 lb, so have not used it since. Threw it into the bin.

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Copy that Ryder.

As a mono line fisho, not using braid, I fish straight though, except when using pillies on a lighter line, then I use a 20lb tougher leader (though the tailor chew through it anyway)

I now use Sufix brand line, made in Finland I think, smaller diameter line than most comparable brands, though hard to find (Rays Outdoors usually have some)

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