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Nice start to the weekend!


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Hiya folks!

Finished work a wee bit early today and hopped on the bus to a stretch of the Cooks I hadn't tried before, to try and make the most of the gorgeous afternoon. The idea was to flick around with the new outfit til sunset, then try for my first jewie.

After half an hour or so of working one section with ye olde Z-Man Grub in motor oil I got a take, but missed the hook up. Next cast and I was on though and this thing was pulling hard! As I got it closer to the bank I saw silver in the murky water... Couldn't be a soapie on the first attempt, could it?! Nope, turns out to be a trevally, a new PB for me at 48 cm.


I went round the bend of the river and started working another stretch for a smaller fish, that still pulled hard and was determined to bust me on the bank, but fortunately the new rod let me muscle it up to the net, it went at 37 cm.


As the sun went down I felt a little ping on the line and a wee bream came up- first fish I've caught in the dark- but without a decent head-lamp it was impossible to see my rod tip, so I packed up and called it a day. Shame, as conditions were nigh on perfect: full moon, top of the tide approaching, not a breath of wind... Wonder how long it'll be til there's another opportunity like that.


Best thing about the experience, apart from getting a first proper fish on the new rod, was putting the newly-learnt FG knot into practice- sails through the guides and held absolutely stead-fast, even when I had to the lift the bigger fish a little.

All fish were returned. Thanks for reading.

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Awesome mate! Good to see some winter results, can be a harsh time! Glad you got to test the new outfit :)

Bad luck on the jewie attempt, it's a real bugger trying to work plastics in the dark haha. Always be another chance :)

Keep it up!

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What a great Trevor.

Cheers mate!

Awesome mate! Good to see some winter results, can be a harsh time! Glad you got to test the new outfit :)

Bad luck on the jewie attempt, it's a real bugger trying to work plastics in the dark haha. Always be another chance :)

Keep it up!

Thanks man, yeah the last few weeks have been slow without much to write home about. I'm heading out all this weekend, but I reckon it'll be a pain with the wind, so not hugely confident. Haha! You're right about plastics in the dark- guess the next new toy will be a headlamp! ;)

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what a cracker!

Great Christening of the new outfit.

48cm is a solid fish, Trevally go hard.

Not a real test of you of your new rig, but a good test of your FG.

Thanks guys! Yeah, Ryder, the rod did feel a touch over-powered, but happy the FG held firm.

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