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Capstan queries

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Hi guys and girls,

I was looking for some line in my workshop today and unearthed my long forgotten Capstan No.24 bakelite reel. I'd archived it years ago because the ratchet button on the back-plate was missing and I'd jury rigged something that didn't really work. Fast forward to today and I thought I should send out an APB on Fishraider to see if an members, or friends of a friend, has one of these old reels that may be unusable but is OK for parts, vis a vie, the ratchet button. I believe the No. 37 has the same sized ratchet arrangement.
The other question while I'm here is; What type of fishing were these reels used for? My one has some Dacron wound on, which I assume is backing for fly line.So were they a fly reel? The No.24's spool is only 8cm in diameter. See pics below.

post-22908-0-86460500-1439341818_thumb.jpg post-22908-0-90261500-1439341894_thumb.jpg post-22908-0-83056300-1439341937_thumb.jpg

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Oh, my goodness, a Capstan......I'm an avid collector of old reels. Yes I believe they were originally a fly reel and were very popular in Australia in the 60's for luderick, until the Avon Royal came along. Sorry I cannot help you with the parts you need, but I'm sure someone here can help you. Gotta love our fishing history. Steve

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