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Can fish be put off by lubricating oil?


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Hi guys - I was hoping for a definitive answer to this question.

My dad was watching me servicing one of my reels and told me to make sure to keep the oil off the fishing line, as the chemical odours will spook the fish when they get near my line.

Is this true?

It sounds plausible but surely the manufacturers of reel oil would have this in mind when coming up with a formula for the stuff!

Edited by Mike89
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Guest 4myson

I actually did this test a few years back after being told by a few mates NEVER to spray WD40 on my reels after a wash down for this exact reason ... To prove if this had any truth to it ( and being the Mechanic I am ) our next outing together I had a can of WD on board & we all used the same bait from prawns , squid & Pillys & I made sure that every time I rebaited I would spray WD all over my bait before each cast while my friends did not to see if this had any affect in the catch rates ... We all fished 2x rods each so with 6 x rods out all with exact rig setups ( keeping in mind my 2x rods had WD all over the bait ) we all caught heaps of bream , Flattys & Trevallys + a few tailors & we all kept count of what was being caught on what bait . By the end of our session for every fish they caught , I had 2 so it was a ratio of 2:1 & the only difference was I had WD40 on my bait before each cast . Now I don't know if I was a better FISHERMAN (LOL) than my mates or the fish were just on a feeding frenzy on my side of the boat but they were not put off by the smell at all !!!

I also did a test by leaving a meter long mono (6kg & 10kg) in a tub of WD 40 to see if it had any affects on actual fishing line & after the first few weeks no Difference ( keep in mind this was totally "submerged" in an ice cream container ) but by the 4th week the line was a lot stretchier & broke at 3/4 of its rated strength . So I wouldn't recommend soaking it on mono line for extended periods . Braid on the other hand made no difference ... If anything harder to snap ! So there you go guys .... HILLBILLY STYLE MYTHBUSTING ..

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Guest 4myson

Forgot to ad , that for some reason neither of us did any good on using Squid for bait . So if your using WD40 to spray on your reels after a wash down & you are using Mono line simply remove your spool before spraying .... PIRTEK the hose fitters actually make their own lubricant for fishing equipment in plastic pump bottles "REEL DEAL" & if you've fished with me you would have seen it in on my boat & it smells & feels exactly like good old WD ......

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I have a tackle tray in my boat, filled with various sized hooks, swivels, small sinkers and other bits and pieces. I spray them all with INOX which stops everything from rusting, even when I throw a used hook back in with the others. I'm still catching plenty of fish. Can't say if it's more or less than before I did this, but I honestly don't think it has put the fish off. Mates come onboard and bring their own tackle. Some days they do better and on others I out fish them. All I know is I'm not wasting expensive tackle from having them rust..............


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Hi guys - I was hoping for a definitive answer to this question.

My dad was watching me servicing one of my reels and told me to make sure to keep the oil off the fishing line, as the chemical odours will spook the fish when they get near my line.

Is this true?

It sounds plausible but surely the manufacturers of reel oil would have this in mind when coming up with a formula for the stuff!

I doubt that the formulas of reel oil are any different to normal lube oils in terms of not spooking fish. If they claimed it was non spooking I wouldn't believe it and/or trust it lubricating properties were as good.

I am always careful not to get oil on my lines in case it weakens it or spooks fish. Don't know if it does or not for sure but it's very possible so why risk it?

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I doubt that the formulas of reel oil are any different to normal lube oils in terms of not spooking fish. If they claimed it was non spooking I wouldn't believe it and/or trust it lubricating properties were as good.

I am always careful not to get oil on my lines in case it weakens it or spooks fish. Don't know if it does or not for sure but it's very possible so why risk it?

Yes, you're probably right about that actually - there is a lot of rubbish purported on the labels of tackle and equipment, I guess you have to take the marketing stuff with a grain of salt.

I'll try and keep the spool away from the oil and my oily hands next time. Whether or not it makes a huge difference I think you're right, why risk it?

@ Krispy - I did wonder about the cigarettes too, thanks for the heads up!

Edited by Mike89
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